Parsonrusselinterrieri 24.08.2024
Breed results
Parson Russell Terrier
Judge Parry Steph
BOBAbysmal Golden Polar Star (Rastas Miia)
BOSKarvahaalarin Batman (Leivo Anni)
CAC dogKarvahaalarin Batman (Leivo Anni)
CAC bitchAbysmal Golden Polar Star (Rastas Miia)
BOB veteranArbor Vitae Venus (Thynell Kirsi & Thynell Mika)
BOS veteranTupla-Täplän Sudenmarja (Oivanen Siiri)
BOB juniorKarvahaalarin Batman (Leivo Anni)
BOS juniorTammenkolon Unstoppable (Kröger Anniina)
BOB puppyTupla-Täplän Pasianssi (Sjöberg Minna)
BOS puppyBella Godivas Parson Susumaniello (Haromo Heidi)
BOB breederAbysmal (Rastas Miia)
BOB progeny classTammenkolon Unimog (Kröger Anniina)
1Bella Godivas Parson Chevalblanc3Roberts Lesley
2Breezy Style MasterplanAbsent
3Hurja-Hildan Ällikällä Lyöty4Roberts Lesley
4Kuivasalmen RolleRoberts Lesley
5Tupla-Täplän Pasianssi1HP, BOBRoberts Lesley
6Tupla-Täplän Tikki2HPRoberts Lesley
7Ja-Cami's Baavo2Roberts Lesley
8Repoketun Yön Valo1HPRoberts Lesley
9Tallitontun Saunatonttu3Roberts Lesley
10Bella Godivas Parson Susumaniello1HP, BOSRoberts Lesley
11Bouncing Bolt Hope2HPRoberts Lesley
12Bouncing Bolt Katerina4Roberts Lesley
13Kuivasalmen SiruRoberts Lesley
14Mindhunter You Got ThisAbsent
15Viininvartijan Älynväläys3HPRoberts Lesley
16Abysmal Van HalenExcellent3Roberts Lesley
17Breezy Style AlejandroAbsent
18Breezy Style Jimmy ChooAbsent
19Celoco StormbringerVery GoodRoberts Lesley
20Karvahaalarin BatmanExcellent1BM1CQ, BOS, JUN BOB, CACRoberts Lesley
21Kenkku Gu BiainenVery GoodRoberts Lesley
22Maanmainion Soul SurferVery GoodRoberts Lesley
23Maitomiehen Lt King In The NorthVery GoodRoberts Lesley
24Maitomiehen Lt Lord CommanderVery GoodRoberts Lesley
25Scotstyles StortindVery GoodRoberts Lesley
26Tammenkolon He Makes Me LaughExcellent2CQ, JUN CAC, JCHRoberts Lesley
27Westend Wonderland's Ace VenturaExcellent4Roberts Lesley
28Ani Slippery's Winner HenriExcellent1CQRoberts Lesley
29Mindhunter Eternal FlameAbsent
30Mindhunter Gettin' Jiggy Wit' ItAbsent
31Nock River's GilesExcellent2Roberts Lesley
32Viininvartijan ZenExcellent3Roberts Lesley
33Breezy Style Lucky LukeAbsent
34Bueno Wilcza SkalkaAbsent
35Frostwood LancelotVery GoodRoberts Lesley
36Karvahaalarin Maantiellä Herra OonExcellent2CQRoberts Lesley
37Kenkku Eräänlaista TaikuuttaVery GoodRoberts Lesley
38Maanmainion BoogiewoogieVery GoodRoberts Lesley
39Maitomiehen Wn IronmanVery GoodRoberts Lesley
40Miglanc Mysia ZagladaExcellent4CQRoberts Lesley
41Mindhunter Eternal FlowExcellent3CQ, RES CACRoberts Lesley
42Mindhunter VamosExcellent1BM4CQRoberts Lesley
43Pikkuroosan Over The MoonExcellentRoberts Lesley
44Rhosgobel Magnum OpusAbsent
45Tallitontun CooperExcellentRoberts Lesley
46Tallitontun Parempi MiesAbsent
47Tarantino Vom Schwarzwald PolandAbsent
48Tupla-Täplän Keskiyön CowboyGoodRoberts Lesley
49Westend Wonderland's Dodge ChargerVery GoodRoberts Lesley
50Viininvartijan PeikkoVery GoodRoberts Lesley
51Vixenview ValentinoExcellentRoberts Lesley
52Kenkku Mr Aarne TanskaVery GoodRoberts Lesley
53Kenkku ThomasmullerVery GoodRoberts Lesley
54Kuivasalmen SanteriExcellent2Roberts Lesley
55Mindhunter Party CrasherExcellent3Roberts Lesley
56Precious Pearl JackpotExcellent4Roberts Lesley
57Tammenkolon UnimogExcellent1BM3CQRoberts Lesley
58Villikujan Hermot Jos MännööGoodRoberts Lesley
59Villikujan Kova PaekkaVery GoodRoberts Lesley
60Abysmal Already SteadyExcellentRoberts Lesley
61Abysmal Il MondoVery GoodRoberts Lesley
62Arbor Vitae CaerusVery GoodRoberts Lesley
63Frostwood LysanderExcellentRoberts Lesley
64Junior Top RussellExcellent1BM2CQRoberts Lesley
65Karvahaalarin Freddy KruegerExcellentRoberts Lesley
66Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission MidirExcellentRoberts Lesley
67Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission NeitExcellent4CQRoberts Lesley
68Mindhunter Hidden TreasureExcellentRoberts Lesley
69Tairngire Red Storm WarningVery GoodRoberts Lesley
70Tammenkolon ArdbegVery GoodRoberts Lesley
71Tammenkolon Peto On IrtiExcellent3CQRoberts Lesley
72Tammenkolon The UnforgivenExcellent2CQRoberts Lesley
73Ani Slippery's AarreglattExcellentRoberts Lesley
74Celoco His Royal HighnessVery GoodRoberts Lesley
75Lamun Irwin GoodmanExcellentRoberts Lesley
76Mahottoman HallanvaaraExcellentRoberts Lesley
77Mindhunter Master Of PuppetsAbsent
78Mymini's Finnish EditionExcellent3Roberts Lesley
79Precious Pearl GladiatorExcellent4Roberts Lesley
80Tupla-Täplän SudenmarjaExcellent1CQ, VET BOS, VET CACRoberts Lesley
81Ulvomäen AapoExcellent2Roberts Lesley
82Breezy Style La Vie En RoseAbsent
83Breezy Style Miss DiorVery GoodParry Steph
84Fröken Fräkens Ruuth HoolmExcellentParry Steph
85Karvahaalarin IhmenainenExcellent2CQ, JUN CACParry Steph
86Karvahaalarin Wannabe Baby SpiceExcellent4Parry Steph
87Maanmainion Soul SpiritVery GoodParry Steph
88Maitomiehen Lt Lady Of WinterfellVery GoodParry Steph
89Maitomiehen Lt The North RemembersVery GoodParry Steph
90Mindhunter Let's Get Ready To RumbleAbsent
91Mymini's April DelightExcellentParry Steph
92Pampalovaaran Vika-TikkiVery GoodParry Steph
93Ring Tail TudortrellisExcellentParry Steph
94Tammenkolon Here Comes The SunExcellent3Parry Steph
95Tammenkolon Laku-MaijaVery GoodParry Steph
96Tammenkolon Sweet DesignVery GoodParry Steph
97Tammenkolon UnstoppableExcellent1BB2CQ, JUN BOSParry Steph
98Tinchens Phenomenal PhoebeAbsent
99Westend Wonderland's Harley QuinnExcellentParry Steph
100Villikujan Metsän RoutaVery GoodParry Steph
101Ani Slippery's Winner HedvigVery Good3Parry Steph
102Breezy Style Perfect MelodyAbsent
103Green Perry's FireflyAbsent
104Muxia Terriers Casa ZorroGoodParry Steph
105Tallitontun NessVery Good4Parry Steph
106Viininvartijan ZeldaVery Good1Parry Steph
107Villikujan HermotmänVery Good2Parry Steph
108Abysmal Golden Polar StarExcellent1BB1CQ, BOB, CAC, CHParry Steph
109Arbor Vitae HekateVery GoodParry Steph
110Beachrunner's Keep The SecretVery GoodParry Steph
111Feliz Navidad Di SopraventoExcellent2BB4CQ, RES CACParry Steph
112Kenkku Ansa KynttiläVery GoodParry Steph
113Maanmainion RagdollVery GoodParry Steph
114Mindhunter XeniaAbsent
115Repoketun X-ÖnVery GoodParry Steph
116Scotstyles Tough EnoughVery GoodParry Steph
117Tallitontun My MarigoldExcellent3Parry Steph
118Tammenkolon Brighter DaysAbsent
119Tammenkolon XodusVery GoodParry Steph
120Tammenkolon Ånly MiracleExcellentParry Steph
121Top Pop's Padme AmidalaGoodParry Steph
122Tupla-Täplän Ilmiömäinen Neiti EtsiväVery GoodParry Steph
123Tupla-Täplän Pop-IlmiöExcellent4Parry Steph
124Tupla-Täplän Ylivoimainen HjördisGoodParry Steph
125Viininvartijan WuokkoVery GoodParry Steph
126Celoco Have You Seen MeAbsent
127Kenkku CrosbyExcellent1Parry Steph
128Tammenkolon EukkoExcellent2Parry Steph
129Tupla-Täplän Kumman KuvaVery GoodParry Steph
130Tupla-Täplän Lieve-IlmiöVery Good4Parry Steph
131Villikujan Katohan VuanVery Good3Parry Steph
132Abysmal A Chi Mi DiceExcellent4Parry Steph
133Abysmal Steady Rock StarExcellentParry Steph
134Abysmal This Bitch Is A Rock StarExcellentParry Steph
135Amico Terrier's Dizzy Miss LizzyVery GoodParry Steph
136Breezy Style Sweetest DevotionAbsent
137Kamunkorven VikatikkiExcellentParry Steph
138Karvahaalarin Time For MiraclesVery GoodParry Steph
139Maitomiehen Wn Scarlet WitchVery GoodParry Steph
140Mindhunter Tally HoExcellentParry Steph
141Mindhunter XylianaAbsent
142Moneytalks Vom Eberburger HolzVery GoodParry Steph
143Nimetön LassieExcellentParry Steph
144Pikkuroosan Love's PromiseExcellentParry Steph
145Sonateeka Look Me UpVery GoodParry Steph
146Tallitontun SupervoimiiVery GoodParry Steph
147Tammenkolon Land CruiserExcellent1CQParry Steph
148Viininvartijan MaisaExcellent3Parry Steph
149Villikujan Anna KaekkesVery GoodParry Steph
150Wizardling's ElektraExcellent2CQParry Steph
151Abysmal Polar StarExcellent3Parry Steph
152Abysmal Rock RoseVery GoodParry Steph
153Ani Slippery's AdalminaslipperyGoodParry Steph
154Arbor Vitae NefeleVery GoodParry Steph
155Arbor Vitae VenusExcellent1BB3CQ, VET BOBParry Steph
156Beleriad U R The OneExcellentParry Steph
157Bravefellow YolandaExcellentParry Steph
158Kuivasalmen SilppuExcellentParry Steph
159Maanmainion Sally CarreraExcellentParry Steph
160Mahottoman BilehileExcellentParry Steph
161Maitomiehen ExcellenceExcellent2CQParry Steph
162Norparson Elite To Precious PearlExcellentParry Steph
163Ratnappers KellyVery GoodParry Steph
164Tallitontun BelleExcellentParry Steph
165Tallitontun Nais WayExcellentParry Steph
166Tupla-Täplän AndrasteAbsent
167Tupla-Täplän Mäyrän MäärääjäVery GoodParry Steph
168Viininvartijan CindyExcellent4Parry Steph
Breeder's groups
3000Abysmal1KPParry Steph
3003Karvahaalarin3KPParry Steph
3005MaitomiehenKPParry Steph
3008Tammenkolon2KPParry Steph
3009Viininvartijan4KPParry Steph
3010VillikujanKPParry Steph
Progeny class
5000Maitomiehen Wn Ironman2KPRoberts Lesley
5002Tammenkolon Unimog1KPRoberts Lesley