| | Dogs |
| | | MPUP |
| | | | 1 | Bella Godivas Parson Chevalblanc | | 3 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Up to size male with wedge shape head. A little long in muzzle, super teeth, Good bone. Correct width between his legs for his age. Would like a little more upper arm. Good feet. Nice length of rib and short loin. Good harsh jacket. A good loose belt. He is only just spannable. I hope he does not grow anymore, he moved well when settled a little loose coming and going. |
| | | | 2 | Breezy Style Masterplan | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 3 | Hurja-Hildan Ällikällä Lyöty | | 4 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice wedge shape head. Good stop. Good bite. Quite narrow in front at this age. Nice depth of chest. His tail is maybe a little low set. He got a good ribbing. Good tail and coat. Good to span. He moved well coming and going, and in profile when settled. |
| | | | 4 | Kuivasalmen Rolle | | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Good wedge shaped head. His eyes were little light, he has good bite. Lovely harsh broken jacket. He got nice short loin. He lacks a little angulation in both ends. Nice tail set. Easy to span. He moved a little close behind, but very happy outgoing personality. |
| | | | 5 | Tupla-Täplän Pasianssi | | 1 | | HP, BOB | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | He got typical head with nice eyes, lovely big teeth, correct front for his age. Well angulated. Correct tail set. Corrects length of body. Good coat. Spans well. He moved well but a bit unsettled, a lovely workman like puppy. |
| | | | 6 | Tupla-Täplän Tikki | | 2 | | HP | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Correct shape head, correct ear, good pigment. Nice bite and teeth. Quite nice substance, nice straight front. Super broken coat. Maybe would like a bit more upper arm. Nice rear angulation. He moved a little wide in front, Given some lift with his front legs. He needs to loose a bit weight and muscle up. He is a nice puppy. |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 7 | Ja-Cami's Baavo | | 2 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | He got good bite, Wedge shape head. He is flying one of his ears. Good straight front. Lovely tommy. Lovely shallow rib, Little straight in angulation. He is ok in coat, tailset ok. Very easy to span. He is a little wide behind and a little out of elbow. |
| | | | 8 | Repoketun Yön Valo | | 1 | | HP | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Lovely ear set and ears his eyes are a little light. Lovely teeth and bite. Nice bone. Feet is okay. Nicely angulated, could use a little more upper arm. Quite nicely balanced. Maybe a little short in loin, Tail is a little short. Easy to span. He moves quite nice He is a bit loose right now, but he is a very happy mover. |
| | | | 9 | Tallitontun Saunatonttu | | 3 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Correct shape head, good ears. Good bite. Strong dog with plenty of bone. Good rear angulation. Lacking a little upper arm. Super broken coat, a bit deep in rib. Quite difficult to span. He is very loose and difficult to access at the moment. |
| | Bitches |
| | | MPUP |
| | | | 10 | Bella Godivas Parson Susumaniello | | 1 | | HP, BOS | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Feminine head. Great pigmentation. Good ear. Correct bite. Good substance. Nice length of rib and correct loin. Maybe a little more upper arm but nice rear angulation. Nice tail set. Easy to span. She moved well covering the ground but needs to tighten. Very workman like bitch. |
| | | | 11 | Bouncing Bolt Hope | | 2 | | HP | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice type, correct head. Maybe a little more stop, correct bite, nice substance, lovely feet. I would like a little more rib she got strong loin. tail is set ok but carried it over her back. She is nicely balanced, spans easily. She moved a little close behind, and a bit loose on the move. |
| | | | 12 | Bouncing Bolt Katerina | | 4 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice feminine head, she got strength in skull, good pigmentation. Good bite. I would like a little more length in rib. She is short in loin, quite well muscled for age. I liked a little more upper arm, she is a bit straight in both ends. She is spannable. Quite matured for age. She moved A little close in front and behind. |
| | | | 13 | Kuivasalmen Siru | | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Feminine head, She got neat ear and a little fine in muzzle, she got good teeth a little fine in bone. Would like a little more upper arm and more angulation in rear. She got good muscles, tailset is ok. Spans easily. She moved a little close behind and little erratic on the move at the moment. |
| | | | 14 | Mindhunter You Got This | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 15 | Viininvartijan Älynväläys | | 3 | | HP | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | She is a little dome in skull, has good bite, she got nice bone a little heavy in rib, Nice angulation in rear, but is a little straight in front. Nicely to span. She is very loose in both ends, she matures to a nice bitch. |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 16 | Abysmal Van Halen | Excellent | 3 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | A tall dog, very masculine head, good strength in muzzle, nice straight narrow front. A little straight in front and behind, a little long in loin, would like a little more rib. Good texture but he needs a little more under coat, good tail set. Can only just span him. Moved close behind, good in front, would like a little more extension in profile. |
| | | | 17 | Breezy Style Alejandro | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 18 | Breezy Style Jimmy Choo | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 19 | Celoco Stormbringer | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Masculine head, good teeth and neat ear. Good texture but would like more under coat. Very tall dog. Quite deep in rib, well muscled. Good rear angulation. His tail is a little low set. I can´t span him. He moved penning in front and close behind, but moved smartly in profile. |
| | | | 20 | Karvahaalarin Batman | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, JUN BOB, CAC | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | very masculine strong head, his ears are ok. Good narrow front well boned. Good length of rib good strong loin, good coat and belt, nice tail. Like a little more upper arm, he is ok behind. He is spannable. He moved well, straight in front and behind, lifted a little in front in profile, but covered the ground. |
| | | | 21 | Kenkku Gu Biainen | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | I would like a little more stop in head and a little more muzzle, good teeth. He got lovely swallow rib, harsh texture coat but would like little more belt. A little more upper arm and rear angulation. Easy to span. Moved very erratic on the move, but very happy boy. |
| | | | 22 | Maanmainion Soul Surfer | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | top size dog with masculine head, too much stop, good teeth, she is narrow at the moment. He is deep and short in rib. Well angulated both ends. Good harsh coat. Not spannable. Erratic on the move. |
| | | | 23 | Maitomiehen Lt King In The North | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Masculine dog, good bite and teeth. A little too much bone. A little short in rib, strong in loin, good tail set, good jacket. Not spannable. Moving nicely, lovely in profile. A bit close coming towards. |
| | | | 24 | Maitomiehen Lt Lord Commander | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | A big boy. Long in fore face. Good teeth, nice front. Like more upper arm. Tail a little low set, deep in rib but well in loin. Good coat texture. Very erratic on the move. I could not spanned him. |
| | | | 25 | Scotstyles Stortind | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Smooth dog, neat ear, like a little more stop. Needs a little more pigment in his eyes, good bite, nice for bone, top size. Tail is a little high set. Little proud of his tail. I can not span him. Very erratic on the move and arched his back in profile. |
| | | | 26 | Tammenkolon He Makes Me Laugh | Excellent | 2 | | CQ, JUN CAC, JCH | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | His eyes are little light, strong skull, nice teeth. Well boned. Like a little more upper arm, well ribbed back with a short loin. Well muscled. Good angulation in the rear, really harsh jacket. Spannable. Moved very well covering the ground. |
| | | | 27 | Westend Wonderland's Ace Ventura | Excellent | 4 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice shaped head, good ear. Good strength on muzzle good bite, good front. A little short in rib good strong loin. Good texture of coat would like more under coat. Only just spannable. Moved well covering the ground. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 28 | Ani Slippery's Winner Henri | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Strong masculine head with correct check, good teeth. Good shoulder and rear. He is well of bone. Good length of rib, nice loin. Like a little more length on back. You can span him. Good coat and tail. He is good size dog moved well in profile. |
| | | | 29 | Mindhunter Eternal Flame | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 30 | Mindhunter Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 31 | Nock River's Giles | Excellent | 2 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Neat ear, wedge shaped head, a little wide in front, Liked food, like a little more rib, good coat and jacket. Good laid of shoulder, and hind quarter. Good tailset. He is spannable. Moved a bit erratic but covered the ground in profile. a workman like dog. |
| | | | 32 | Viininvartijan Zen | Excellent | 3 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Keen expression, a little long in muzzle, good bite, nice front, good feet, stop size, A little out of coat today. Good length of rib. Balanced angulation, good muscular condition. Just spannable. Moves quite smart in profile. Carries his tail well. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 33 | Breezy Style Lucky Luke | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 34 | Bueno Wilcza Skalka | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 35 | Frostwood Lancelot | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Top size male with a masculine head, nice in front. Ribbed well back. Good muscled rear, good topline, good feet. Only just spannable. Moving very close behind and wide in front. |
| | | | 36 | Karvahaalarin Maantiellä Herra Oon | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice size dog masculine head a little wide in front, good shaped rib. I prefer more upper arm. Well angulated hind quarters, muscular. Like a little more length in rib. Spannable. moved a little close behind a little loose in front and was nice in profile. |
| | | | 37 | Kenkku Eräänlaista Taikuutta | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice size dog with a strong head. A little wide in front. Good muscular hind quarters. Liked a longer rib, tail is low set, good coat, can not span. Very erratic on the move. |
| | | | 38 | Maanmainion Boogiewoogie | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | nice head, eyes are a little light. Ok in front. Good coat. Like a little more upper arm but ok hind quarters tail is a little low set. Only just spannable. He is carrying a bit too much weight today. erratic on the move. |
| | | | 39 | Maitomiehen Wn Ironman | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | very strong masculine dog. Good front. Would like more return of upper arm, nice hind quarters, well muscled, appears to be quite deep in rib. Not spannable. Moved ok, very strong dog, who is over sizes. |
| | | | 40 | Miglanc Mysia Zaglada | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | an alert dog with good ear, nice teeth, narrow front, straight legs. Good length in body. Would like better shoulder, good length of rib, nice angulation on the rear, good muscles. Spannable. A bit disappointment on the move. He did not cover the ground. |
| | | | 41 | Mindhunter Eternal Flow | Excellent | 3 | | CQ, RES CAC | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice size dog with nice head, prefer a darker eye. Would prefer a little more length in back. Nice front and good substance, well ribbed back, nice strength in loin. A bit straight in shoulder but good angulation in rear, good coat. Spannable. He moved quite well when he settled. |
| | | | 42 | Mindhunter Vamos | Excellent | 1 | BM4 | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Good size dog with a nice head, nice ears. Nice bones. Nice reach in neck, a little straight in shoulder, well ribbed back with strong loin, good angulation in rear. Spann’s good. Moved a little wide in front but moved well in profile. |
| | | | 43 | Pikkuroosan Over The Moon | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice side dog with a masculine head and dark eye, good bite, balanced angulation. He carries a little too much weight today. well ribbed, Would like a tighter coat. Good texture. Only just spannable. He moved ok in profile, but Was a little wide in front. |
| | | | 44 | Rhosgobel Magnum Opus | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 45 | Tallitontun Cooper | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Masculine dog, wedge shaped head, ears a little small, nice mouth. Like his length. Nice shoulder, but liked a little more upper arm, strong loin, nice rear end, with good muscularity, little out of coat today. Spannable. Moved well in profile, covering the ground. |
| | | | 46 | Tallitontun Parempi Mies | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 47 | Tarantino Vom Schwarzwald Poland | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 48 | Tupla-Täplän Keskiyön Cowboy | Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Strong boy. Smooth boy, double fault in ear. Good bite. Very deep in rib. Good length of rib. He moved okay but his temperaments let him down today. |
| | | | 49 | Westend Wonderland's Dodge Charger | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice size dog, a little heavy in ear and fine in skull, good bite, good front. Coat texture. Good length of rib. In good harsh condition. Spannable. A little erratic coming and going but moved ok in profile. |
| | | | 50 | Viininvartijan Peikko | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Neat ear, nice stop. Mouth ok. Tall boy. Good substance. Nice coat. Good muscularity. Nice length of body. Not spannable. He moved well in profile. |
| | | | 51 | Vixenview Valentino | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice size dog, with strong skull a little too much stop, a little wide in front, little short in rib, good muscles and balanced angulation, good texture but liked more under coat, he is spannable. Would like more length of back. Moved close behind and wide in front. But okay in profile. |
| | | WRK |
| | | | 52 | Kenkku Mr Aarne Tanska | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice shaped head, good dentition. Tall dog. Would like more length in back. Tail a little low set. He carries a little too much weight. Hard to span him. Erratic on the move. |
| | | | 53 | Kenkku Thomasmuller | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Good strength in skull, a little fine in muzzle. His eyes are little light nice front light on bone. Good smooth foot. Muscular back, spannable. Really moved nicely in profile. |
| | | | 54 | Kuivasalmen Santeri | Excellent | 2 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice shaped head, ears are a little small, well presented harsh coat, good musculanty, he is little straight in both ends, but he is balanced. He spans okay. Could be better on the move but moved well on profile. |
| | | | 55 | Mindhunter Party Crasher | Excellent | 3 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Masculine dog with a nice strong head. Nice front and good bone, a little upright in shoulder, would like a rib further back. Strong nicely angulated rear end. He is only just spannable. He moves very well in profile but is a little loose in both ends. |
| | | | 56 | Precious Pearl Jackpot | Excellent | 4 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice head, his ears are a little large, good teeth, nice front and feet. Nice reach of neck, a little straight in front, ribbed well back, nice muscular rear end, good coat. He is spannable. Very erratic on the move. |
| | | | 57 | Tammenkolon Unimog | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Lovely head with neat ear, good teeth nice front. A little straight in shoulder, nice harsh coat, good coat texture. Spannable. He is a little close behind but good in profile. |
| | | | 58 | Villikujan Hermot Jos Männöö | Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice strong head, neat ear. He got undershot bite. Nice size. He is ribbed well back, nice topline. harsh jacket, I like his size. Spans easily. He moved really well. |
| | | | 59 | Villikujan Kova Paekka | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | A big dog, with wedge shape head, he still got some teeth. His coat just coming throw, would like more under coat, he is ribbed well back, he is nice length. I could not spann him. He moved well in profile. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 60 | Abysmal Already Steady | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | nice size dog, with nice expression, good cheek, well ribbed back. Would like to have more length on his leg, good coat but prefer more undercoat. Spanned okay. Moved soundly. And covered the ground in the profile. |
| | | | 61 | Abysmal Il Mondo | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Top size dog, masculine expression good mouth, good substance, he is ribbed well back. Hard muscular condition. I can´t span him. He moved well in profile was a little wide in profile coming towards me. |
| | | | 62 | Arbor Vitae Caerus | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Neat ear a little long in fore face. Taller dog. Good muscular condition. Nice shoulder and rear angulation. I could not span him. He moved very well. |
| | | | 63 | Frostwood Lysander | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice head and good expression. Good teeth, nice front. Nice shoulder. Good length of body, nicely ribbed back. Good coat texture. Nice tail set. He is spannable. Moved a little wide in front have good side gait. |
| | | | 64 | Junior Top Russell | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | lovely ear with neat ear nice substance and feet. Would like a little more return of upper arm. Well ribbed back, excellent coat and top size dog. Just spannable. Fantastic side gait moved soundly in profile. |
| | | | 65 | Karvahaalarin Freddy Krueger | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | nice expression neat ear. good teeth. Good width between front legs, I would like a little more return of upper arm. Good muscular rear, he spands okay. Difficult to say on the move. |
| | | | 66 | Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission Midir | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Strong dog, Good front. Prefer a little more upper arm. Well ribbed muscular rear, strong topline, would prefer a little more under coat. Spans easy. Moved very well. |
| | | | 67 | Karvahaalarin V Cavalli Mission Neit | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Good strength in skull, ears are a little small, has a little too much stop. I prefer longer rib. Good coat, balanced angulation. Spans okay. He moved a little out in elbow a little close behind okay in profile. |
| | | | 68 | Mindhunter Hidden Treasure | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Masculine head with neat ear. Excellent harsh jacket Would like a little more length in body. Spans okay. He moved well in all actions. |
| | | | 69 | Tairngire Red Storm Warning | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Would prefer a little more strength in muzzle, good substance, top size dog. A little straight in front, would like a little more length in rib. Good texture and coat. Can not span him. he moved okay, just a big boy. |
| | | | 70 | Tammenkolon Ardbeg | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice head. He is little wide in front, and a little too much muscles over the shoulder, would like more length of rib, Good hard condition. Only just spannable. He was a bit loose behind and wide in front when moving. |
| | | | 71 | Tammenkolon Peto On Irti | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Smaller size dog, with good head, nice front. Ribbed well back. Would like a little more angulation, Good coat. Spans okay. Moves a little wide in front and close behind but moves good in profile. |
| | | | 72 | Tammenkolon The Unforgiven | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | A little narrow in head, good front, nice reach of neck. Good substance. Would like a little more length in rib, Spans well. Moved well behind, a little out of elbow in front. Good in profile. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 73 | Ani Slippery's Aarreglatt | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Neat ears nice dark eyes, nice ribs and loin. Would like a little longer rib. He is a litltle straight in both ends, he carries a little too much weight today. Easy to span. A little close behind and wide in front covered the ground in profile. |
| | | | 74 | Celoco His Royal Highness | Very Good | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | A big dog with lovely head. Good teeth. Nice substance. He is ribbed well back. Nice muscular back. Good texture coat. Really like this dogs type but could not span him and he was quite erratic on the move. |
| | | | 75 | Lamun Irwin Goodman | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | his ears are a bit small size, good bite, short in back, ribbed well, muscular hind quarters, Just spannable. He is a little snatchy in movement and a little short in stride. |
| | | | 76 | Mahottoman Hallanvaara | Excellent | | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice shaped head and neat ears nice front and substance. Nice length, nice ribbed back. Good harsh jacket. He is just spannable. He is lively mover a bit close behind. |
| | | | 77 | Mindhunter Master Of Puppets | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 78 | Mymini's Finnish Edition | Excellent | 3 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Nice shaped head, ears are smaller size, finer in bone. Got nice length, well ribbed back, good muscular rear. He spans easily. a bit erratic on the move, when I saw he going it was good. |
| | | | 79 | Precious Pearl Gladiator | Excellent | 4 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Good head and neat ear, nice balanced well ribbed back. He is a big boy. Correct topline, Good coat. He is just spannable. Moved very well. A little close going away but correct in profile. |
| | | | 80 | Tupla-Täplän Sudenmarja | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOS, VET CAC | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | alert boy, happy, nice narrow front. Ribbed well back. A bit straight in both ends. A good coat texture, would like a little more undercoat. Spans good. Very good mover. |
| | | | 81 | Ulvomäen Aapo | Excellent | 2 | | | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | Kind expression, good bite, very narrow front. Good rib, a little straight front and back, he spans okay. A good mover, a little wide in front coming towards me. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 82 | Breezy Style La Vie En Rose | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 83 | Breezy Style Miss Dior | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 15 months, great size, nice head & expression, good topline, slightly deep in the chest, moved ok |
| | | | 84 | Fröken Fräkens Ruuth Hoolm | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely head & expression, good straight front, but slight narrow in front, lovely coat, great proportion and nice strength of backend |
| | | | 85 | Karvahaalarin Ihmenainen | Excellent | 2 | | CQ, JUN CAC | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Nice size, feminine head & expression, with a good straight front, lovely topline, when moving, nice tailset, would prefer length of neck |
| | | | 86 | Karvahaalarin Wannabe Baby Spice | Excellent | 4 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Beautiful proportions, feminine head , nice length of neck, good front but bit wide, nice topline, easily spanned, good backend |
| | | | 87 | Maanmainion Soul Spirit | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Feminine head, a little high, good front, easily spanned, nice backend but movement a little close and prefer tighter feed |
| | | | 88 | Maitomiehen Lt Lady Of Winterfell | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller sizer, very good portions, lovely straight front, topline ok, a little deep in chest, nice backend and moved well. |
| | | | 89 | Maitomiehen Lt The North Remembers | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely head, nice reach of neck, good front, easily spanned, topline could be better, backend ok and movement tighten slightly |
| | | | 90 | Mindhunter Let's Get Ready To Rumble | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 91 | Mymini's April Delight | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely head, front a little wide but straight, nice topline, a little deep in chest but spannable, lovely tailset, good backend give her a good ride when moving |
| | | | 92 | Pampalovaaran Vika-Tikki | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller size , nice & feminine head, nice front but a little wide, good coat, movement a little close, loose topline when moving |
| | | | 93 | Ring Tail Tudortrellis | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Smaller size, lovely head, good front, spannable, good topline, moved well |
| | | | 94 | Tammenkolon Here Comes The Sun | Excellent | 3 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Beautiful proportions, good strength of head, lovely reach of neck, front ok, chest possible little deep but spannable, great topline, moved beautifully. |
| | | | 95 | Tammenkolon Laku-Maija | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | A little worried on the table, has nice proportions, feminine head, front a bit wide, spannable, nice topline, backend could strengthen a little |
| | | | 96 | Tammenkolon Sweet Design | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good head with nice reach of neck, front ok, feet could tighten, slight longer in back, good topline, chest a little bit deep but spannable, nice backend |
| | | | 97 | Tammenkolon Unstoppable | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, JUN BOS | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely pretty head, nice reach of neck, front straight but a little bit wide, great coat, spannable, topline could be better, good strength of backend & moved ok |
| | | | 98 | Tinchens Phenomenal Phoebe | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 99 | Westend Wonderland's Harley Quinn | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great head, good straight front, nice proportions, good topline, strong backend giving good ride when moving, very good movement, deep in chest. |
| | | | 100 | Villikujan Metsän Routa | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Smaller feminine bitch, nice strength of head for her size, narrow front, good coat, topline could improve and be stronger as length of the back |
| | | INT |
| | | | 101 | Ani Slippery's Winner Hedvig | Very Good | 3 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Smaller size, feminine head, nice reach of neck, good straight front, easily spanned, great coat, topline ok, need more strength to backend |
| | | | 102 | Breezy Style Perfect Melody | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 103 | Green Perry's Firefly | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 104 | Muxia Terriers Casa Zorro | Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Well shown, taller size, good proportions for her size, nice head, straight front but a bit wide, feed could be tighter, deep in chest, great topline, movement a litter erratic, stood well on table. |
| | | | 105 | Tallitontun Ness | Very Good | 4 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Heavier type of terrier, good strength of head, nice reach of neck, straight in front but a little wide and elbows need to tighten, good topline, great tailset, nice strength of backend, moved ok |
| | | | 106 | Viininvartijan Zelda | Very Good | 1 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Nice head & expression, taller size, lovely reach of neck and good frontchest, good topline but could improve when moving, good coat, nice strength of backend |
| | | | 107 | Villikujan Hermotmän | Very Good | 2 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller terrier, but has good proportions, feminine head, good reach of neck, straight in front, chest could improve; a little too deep in span, good coat, good backend |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 108 | Abysmal Golden Polar Star | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, CAC, CH | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, great head, lovely reach of neck, good straight front, easily spanned, good coat, good strength of backend leading to great movement, very well shown |
| | | | 109 | Arbor Vitae Hekate | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller bitch but well-proportioned, slightly deep in chest and would prefer narrower front, has feminine head, lovely topline, shown well, moved ok |
| | | | 110 | Beachrunner's Keep The Secret | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller type, feminine head, good reach of neck and forechest, front a little wide, chest a bit deep in profile and only just spannable, topline ok, back movement a little close |
| | | | 111 | Feliz Navidad Di Sopravento | Excellent | 2 | BB4 | CQ, RES CAC | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, beautiful head, good reach of neck, front a little wide but straight, nice topline; held well when moving, spannable, good coat, well handled |
| | | | 112 | Kenkku Ansa Kynttilä | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Smaller size of terrier, lovely feminine head, good proportions, nice forechest, little straight in shoulder, good narrow front, topline could be better, moved ok. |
| | | | 113 | Maanmainion Ragdoll | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller type of terrier, nice feminine head, good neck & forechest, front straight but a little bit wide, chest a little deep in profile but spannable, strong backend moved well |
| | | | 114 | Mindhunter Xenia | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 115 | Repoketun X-Ön | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Nice size, nice coat, feminine head, front ok a little wide, chest a little deep and only just spannable, good topline, good strength of backend but movement a bit close |
| | | | 116 | Scotstyles Tough Enough | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 5 years, great size, nice head, front a little wide but straight, good proportions, carried topline well, strong backend and giving a good movement, carrying too much weight today making spanning difficult |
| | | | 117 | Tallitontun My Marigold | Excellent | 3 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, feminine head, ears a little high, good front but a little wide, topline ok, nice backend, moved well. |
| | | | 118 | Tammenkolon Brighter Days | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 119 | Tammenkolon Xodus | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, feminine head, straight in front but could be tighter, spannable, good coat, nice length of back, lovely back movement but front a little close. |
| | | | 120 | Tammenkolon Ånly Miracle | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 5 years, good size, lovely strength of head, front a little wide but straight, spannable, nice strength of backend, back movement a little close, would prefer slightly more length of her back. |
| | | | 121 | Top Pop's Padme Amidala | Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 2 years, nice size, feminine head, good reach of neck, nice straight front and good proportions, good backend, need a little bit more ring training in order to judge her. |
| | | | 122 | Tupla-Täplän Ilmiömäinen Neiti Etsivä | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 2,5 years, lovely proportions, nice strength of head, front a bit wide and chest bit too deep and only just spannable, moved well, topline good |
| | | | 123 | Tupla-Täplän Pop-Ilmiö | Excellent | 4 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size with good proportions, lovely feminine head, ears a little high, good front, chest a little deep in profile but spannable, strong backend and moved well. |
| | | | 124 | Tupla-Täplän Ylivoimainen Hjördis | Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, smooth coat, feminine head, ears need settle, front ok but a little wide, spannable, good tailset, good backend, movement a little erratic at a times, please practice her away just looking at you when moving > it effects to her movement |
| | | | 125 | Viininvartijan Wuokko | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, nice strength of head but ears need to settle, good forechest, nice front but a bit wide, chest a little deep in profile and only just spannable, topline ok and moved well. |
| | | WRK |
| | | | 126 | Celoco Have You Seen Me | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 127 | Kenkku Crosby | Excellent | 1 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size and proportions, nice strength of head, good reach of neck, good straight front, a bit deep chest but spannable, great topline, great tailset, moved ok but back movement a little close |
| | | | 128 | Tammenkolon Eukko | Excellent | 2 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good proportions, 10 years old, front a little wide but straight, feminine head, ears not settled today, nice length of back, good coat, good topline, shown well, |
| | | | 129 | Tupla-Täplän Kumman Kuva | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, nice strength of head, good straight front but little too straight in shoulders, chest a little deep in profile and carrying too much weight, good topline and tailsset and strong backend, moved well. |
| | | | 130 | Tupla-Täplän Lieve-Ilmiö | Very Good | 4 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely proportions, feminine head but need more strength, front a little wide but straight, good topline and tailset, moved ok, good coat. |
| | | | 131 | Villikujan Katohan Vuan | Very Good | 3 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 2 years, bigger type of terrier, good proportions, lovely strength of head, good reach of neck, nice forechest and good straight front, good coat, just spannable, nice strength of backend, back movement a little close. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 132 | Abysmal A Chi Mi Dice | Excellent | 4 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Shown very well, lovely head and expression, good size overall, front a little wide, elbows could be tighter, good topline when standing, moved ok. |
| | | | 133 | Abysmal Steady Rock Star | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 5 years, lovely size, beautiful shown, feminine head, nice reach of neck, lovely strong backend, good angulations, good tailset and nice topline, moves very well. |
| | | | 134 | Abysmal This Bitch Is A Rock Star | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, nice shape of head, good front but little wide, spannable, nice proportions with good topline, strong backend, back movement a little close, lacking a little undercoat. |
| | | | 135 | Amico Terrier's Dizzy Miss Lizzy | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 4 years, nice size, feminine head, good reach of neck, little straight in shoulders, spannable but slightly deep in profile, lovely tailset with good topline held well when moving, movement a little loose. |
| | | | 136 | Breezy Style Sweetest Devotion | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 137 | Kamunkorven Vikatikki | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, nice head, good reach of neck going into nice straight front but little wide, little straight in shoulders, lovely topline, strong backend, moved ok, well shown. |
| | | | 138 | Karvahaalarin Time For Miracles | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, feminine head, good reach of neck, lovely topline; held well when moving, carrying a little bit too much weight so just spannable, movement a bit erratic, very well shown. |
| | | | 139 | Maitomiehen Wn Scarlet Witch | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Taller & heavier type of terrier, well proportions, good head, slightly straight in shoulders and a little wide in front, great topline, carried well when moved, movement a bit erratic and only just spannable. |
| | | | 140 | Mindhunter Tally Ho | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Very showy terrier, would prefer better head, has a lovely clean neck and layback shoulder, great front, easily spanned, good topline & tailset, like her proportion, movement a little close behind. |
| | | | 141 | Mindhunter Xyliana | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 142 | Moneytalks Vom Eberburger Holz | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, nice head, good reach of neck and forechest, front too wide, chest only just spannable, nice topline, moved a little erratically, great coat. |
| | | | 143 | Nimetön Lassie | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Smaller size, very happy, keen alert expression with good head, nice front but a bit wide, good topline, would prefer slightly lower tailset, moved well when settled, would prefer slightly longer legs. |
| | | | 144 | Pikkuroosan Love's Promise | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, nice head & expression, good proportions, good straight front; a little wide, strong backend gave her good ride; she moved well, well handled. |
| | | | 145 | Sonateeka Look Me Up | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 3 years, nice size, feminine head, good reach of neck, straight in front but a little bit too wide, good shoulders, lovely topline, I like her rear angulations, carrying a little bit too much weight today and it shows in her movement. |
| | | | 146 | Tallitontun Supervoimii | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, would prefer well shaped head, little straight in shoulder, nice narrow front, good coat, spannable, topline ok, movement a little erratic, little bit worried on table but well shown in overall |
| | | | 147 | Tammenkolon Land Cruiser | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, nice shaped head, good reach of neck, into layback shoulder and front, spannable, backend could be stronger but moved well, good coat. |
| | | | 148 | Viininvartijan Maisa | Excellent | 3 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Very well balanced terrier, great head and expression, nice straight front a little wide, good topline and tailset, held well when moving, a little deep in chest but spannable, good coat, moved ok a little close at times, well handled. |
| | | | 149 | Villikujan Anna Kaekkes | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good size, nice head, good reach of neck, shoulder little upright, slightly deep in profile but just spannable, great coat, strong backend; movement a little close, would prefer slightly more length on back. |
| | | | 150 | Wizardling's Elektra | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 4 years, Beautifully shown, great size, lovely proportions, lovely shaped head, well layback shoulders and good front, great topline, good strength of her backend but movement a little close. Just spannable, because carrying a little too much weight today. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 151 | Abysmal Polar Star | Excellent | 3 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, would prefer slightly stronger head and ears are not settled today, nice reach of neck, well layback shoulders, good straight front, easily spanned, nice harsh coat, good tailset, liked her proportions, moved ok. |
| | | | 152 | Abysmal Rock Rose | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 10 years, well handled, good size, nice shaped head, good reach of neck, nice straight front although a little wide, good topline, nice tailset, moved well but a little close at the times, only just spannable because carrying a little too much weight. |
| | | | 153 | Ani Slippery's Adalminaslippery | Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 11 years, lovely type of terrier, well proportions, nice head, front a little wide, carrying too much weight, so can’t span her. Good topline, looks very well for her years, moved ok. |
| | | | 154 | Arbor Vitae Nefele | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 8,5 years, lovely head and keen expression, nice reach of neck, good forechest and nice straight front a little wide, depth of chest looks good in profile but just spannable, topline ok, backend could be stronger. Moved ok. |
| | | | 155 | Arbor Vitae Venus | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, VET BOB | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 11,5 years, lovely size, good shaped head, lovely reach of neck continuing into nice straight front, good coat, nice topline & tailset, good strength of backend. Moved very well. Really love her proportions. Well handled. |
| | | | 156 | Beleriad U R The One | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 14 years, bigger type of girl but well balanced, nicely shaped head, well layback shoulder and straight front, but a bit wide, well topline & tailset, well backend, carrying too much weight and can’t span her. |
| | | | 157 | Bravefellow Yolanda | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, feminine head, ears carrying a little too high, good reach of neck but slightly straight in shoulder, lovely coat, topline ok, good tailset, moved ok, but a little close at times. Would prefer more length to the back. |
| | | | 158 | Kuivasalmen Silppu | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 12 years, bigger type of terrier, well proportion of her size, nice length of head, a little straight of the shoulders and a little wide from front, good topline, good strength backend, moved well |
| | | | 159 | Maanmainion Sally Carrera | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 11,5 years bigger type of terrier, good proportions, well balanced, lovely head, good reach of neck, nice well layback shoulders and good straight front, nice topline, carrying a little too much weight so only just spannable, moved ok. |
| | | | 160 | Mahottoman Bilehile | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, very showy terrier, alert expression, nice reach of neck, good front, just a little deep in profile and only just spannable, lovely topline carried well when moving, moved well. Like her proportions. |
| | | | 161 | Maitomiehen Excellence | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, lovely head and expression, good straight front; maybe a tiny bit straight in shoulders, spannable, good coat, tailset ok, backend could ne stronger, shown well and moved ok. |
| | | | 162 | Norparson Elite To Precious Pearl | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, nice shaped head, good expression, nice reach of neck, a little straight in shoulders. Coat could be harsher, good topline & tailset, moved ok, would slightly more length for her back. |
| | | | 163 | Ratnappers Kelly | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Smaller size, good proportions, nice feminine head, a bit wide in front but straight, easily spanned, good coat, nice topline and good tailset, moved ok. A bit too small. |
| | | | 164 | Tallitontun Belle | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 11 years, slightly bigger type of terrier but good proportions, nice head, good front but a little wide, chest a little deep and only just spannable, good topline, prefer e slightly more angulations behind, moved ok. |
| | | | 165 | Tallitontun Nais Way | Excellent | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Great size, nice feminine shaped head, good ear carriage, good straight front, slightly deep in profile but can span her, nice tailset, good backend and moved well but a little close behind time to time. |
| | | | 166 | Tupla-Täplän Andraste | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 167 | Tupla-Täplän Mäyrän Määrääjä | Very Good | | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 11 years, well-shaped, nice head but would like to have as stronger shaped, good shoulders; front a little wide, chest deep in profile and just spannable, topline ok, need a little more angulations behind, movement a little close. |
| | | | 168 | Viininvartijan Cindy | Excellent | 4 | | | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Lovely size, shown well, good strength of head, nice reach of neck, a little wide from front, and carrying a little too much weigh but spannable, strong backend, good topline; held well when moving. Moved well. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 3000 | Abysmal | | 1 | | KP | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 108, 132, 133, 151 strong kennel type , all lovely size, with lovely of head and proportions, good coats, very similar outlines |
| | | | 3003 | Karvahaalarin | | 3 | | KP | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 20,36, 65,66 Good lovely heads, good size of males, moved well, couple little short in back, nice team |
| | | | 3005 | Maitomiehen | | | | KP | Parry Steph | |
| | | | Good breed type, all fairly even, good strength of heads, moved well |
| | | | 3008 | Tammenkolon | | 2 | | KP | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 57, 72, 97, 147 You can tell the difference bitch & dogs, nice outlines and all moved well |
| | | | 3009 | Viininvartijan | | 4 | | KP | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 32, 106, 148, 168 Type of the kennel is seen, good outlines, moved uniformly, handled very well |
| | | | 3010 | Villikujan | | | | KP | Parry Steph | |
| | | | 59, 107, 131, 149 Slightly variation in sizes, but nice type and moved ok |
| | Progeny class |
| | | | 5000 | Maitomiehen Wn Ironman | | 2 | | KP | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | koirat 23, 24, 88,89
Although he is a top size dog he has puppies that are smaller than himself and they are representing strong breed type. |
| | | | 5002 | Tammenkolon Unimog | | 1 | | KP | Roberts Lesley | |
| | | | koirat 71, 96, 97, 120
This dog has produced puppies of good type and size and strong family resemblance. |