Harjavallan pentunäyttely 12.08.2023
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results
FCI 1 – Sheepdogs and Cattledogs
Best of groups
1.Australian Cattle DogKey To Erebor Warrigal Paws, owner Heikkinen Tuulia
2.German Shepherd DogSensen Mann New York, owner Kursi Elina
3.Welsh Corgi CardiganKetränoron Lumikenttien Kutsu, owner Hjelm-Virtanen Annina
4.Shetland SheepdogTwisted Serenity Frosty Falls Of Geirangerfjord, owner Lauronen Sandra
Australian Cattle Dog1
Australian Kelpie3
Australian Shepherd1
Dutch Shepherd Dog, Short-haired1
German Shepherd Dog1
German Shepherd Dog, long and harsh outer coat2
Miniature American Shepherd2
Shetland Sheepdog1
Welsh Corgi Cardigan1
Welsh Corgi Pembroke1
White Swiss Shepherd Dog1