| | Hanar |
| | | VALP5 |
| | | | 1 | Uriel Wonderful Life Du Bouc D'or | | 1 | | HP | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 5kk Varsin kaunis kokonaisuus, erinomaiset mittasuhteet, oikeat pään mittasuhteet, kauniit tummat silmät, erinomainen maski, kokonaisuudessaan kaunis ilmeinen pää, oikea purenta, ikäisekseen kaunis ylälinja, riittävästi kulmautunut edestä ja takaa, erinomainen vahva luusto, ikäisekseen hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ja eturinta, erinomainen häntä, liikkuu kauniisti, luonnollisesti ikään nähden vielä kapeasti takaa ja löysästi edestä, erinomainen karvanlaatu ja kaunis väri, reipas luonne. Erittäin lupaava. |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 2 | Lempeätassun Rakas Randy | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 3 | Vaikonniemen Lovelife's Smith | | 1 | | HP, BIM | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | Hieman vajaa 9kk, Kauniisti kehittynyt, erinomaiset mittasuhteet omaava nuori uros, oikeat pään mittasuhteet, keskiruskeat silmät, kaunis ilme, erinomainen maski, oikea purenta, Hyvä ylälinja, erinomainen vahva luusto, ikäisekseen hyvin kehittynyt eturinta ja rintakehä, riittävästi kulmautut edestä ja takaa, liikkuu vielä löysästi edestä ja takaa, mutta hyvällä askel pituudella, erinomainen häntä, oikea karvanlaatu, kaunis väri, miellyttävä luonne, erittäin lupaava kokonaisuus. |
| | Tikar |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 4 | Lempeätassun Hilpeä Hilla | | 1 | | HP, BIR | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | Hieman alle 9kk, mittasuhteiltaan erinomaisesti ja kauniisti kehittynyt narttu, kaunis ilmeinen pää jossa oikeat mittasuhteet, tumman ruskeat silmät, erinomainen maski, oikea purenta, kaunis kaula ja ylälinja, kulmautunut paremmin edestä kuin takaa, vahva luusto, vielä kapea edestä, liike vielä edestä löysä, ja takaa kaipaisi lisää voimaa ja potkua, erinomainen häntä, kaunis ja oikeanlaatuinen karva, mukava luonne, hyvä kokonaisuus. |
| | | | 5 | Lempileijonan Ihmeen Ihana | | 2 | | HP | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | Hieman alle 9kk, oikeat mittasuhteet omaava kaunis nuori narttu, pää vielä hieman kapea, keskiruskeat silmät, erinomainen maski, oikea purenta, kaunis ylälinja, ikäisekseen oikean mallinen rintakehä, jonka tulee vielä täyttyä, tasapainoiset kulmaukset edestä ja takaa, keskivahva luusto, liikkuu vielä hieman lyhyellä askelpituudella, kapeasti takaa, hieman löysästi edestä, erinomainen häntä, kaunis oikeanlaatuinen karva, miellyttävä käytös, lupaava kokonaisuus. |
| | | | 6 | Let Mi Be A Dream Come True Ginger Heaven | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 7 | Maxigor My Dancing Queen | | 3 | | HP | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 7kk erinomaiset mittasuhteet omaava, kaunis narttu, oikeat pään mittasuhteet, tumman ruskeat silmät, erinomainen maski, oikeapurenta, ylälinja nousee lantiota kohden, kulmautunut paremmin edestä kuin takaa, vielä kapea edestä, liikkuu kapeasti takaa lyhyellä askeleella, paremmin edestä, hyvä häntä, vielä pentumainen karva, mutta oikeanlaatuinen, kaunis vaalea väritys, vahva luusto, olisi paremmin edukseen hieman hoikemmassa kunnossa, Hyvä kokonaisuus, miellyttävä luonne. |
| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 16 | Maxigor Memphis Calling | VG | 4 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Strong 10 months old, propotions develope well, he has strong head, good underjaw, nice mask, correct bite, good profile, neck could be little longer, little to much weight, croup and tail are good, nice angles, nice shoulders, still young, allready broud chest, good bone, rolling on the move, close going away, unsettled today, very good |
| | | | 17 | Maxigor Miami Calling | VG | 2 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 10 months old male, still growing in to himself, head is developing nicely, very nice eye, shape and color, correct bite and teeth, correct underjaw, sufficent lenght of neck, still needs to come up in front and develop on the chest, has a very nice coat very full, topline still developing but the croup and tailset is very good, standing left and right on the front, shoulders looks good, rear angles dev well, moving little close on the bakc, but tail is correct, moving little narrow on front. |
| | | | 18 | Nevaeh Mishka Ciro | VG | 3 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 9 months, still quite immature ,slighty short red coat coming, still need to broad in the head but correct bite and underjaw, little bit loose lips, nice eye shape and color, still leggie states, need to broud in the chest, standing left and right in front, still ned to come down to his hocks, croup is correct, tails set is correct, loose in front, okay to away and tail carriage is okay, |
| | | | 19 | Nevinojan Jäätikön Jalo Ametisti | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 13 months, develope well propotions are correct, head is quite broad, cheek is little too much, ear set little back, missing teeth, mask is suffecent, eye shape is good, color little bit light, neck is little bit short, little bit left/right in front, good bone, topline is sufficent, little bit tipping on back, needs better angulation in back, over built, short stepping on the move, tail set is correct. |
| | | | 20 | Ohped Dal Lord Moscatel Dorado | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIR, RES-CERT, JUN-CERT | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 14 months male, nice shape and propotions for age, has nice eyes, head is developing nicely, correct bite and teeth, still need to broad in front but correct for age, lenght of neck, still lightly build, he seems to have nice shoulders and bones coming up, nice coat and colour developing, good topline, and croup, tail is little short, prefer little more angles on the hocks, moving ok soundly, need to mature but pasterns are little bit young, tail is okay, not too high. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 21 | Helmilauma Wonderful Scar | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 18 month male, little bit light build, head is little bit narrow, good lenght of under jaw, mask is sufficent, eyes are correct but little bit light, bite is correct, ears are little set back, prefer more bone, little bit roach back, croup is good and tail set, little bit feminine for me, little close going away, little bit non confident |
| | | | 22 | Joker Peacehill Lion | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK, CERT | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | very nice outline and propotions, 18 months, developing nicely, nicely marked, middle lenght red coat, head is coming nicely up to the develope, ears set is correct, bite is correct, still puppy, prefer more neck, front shoulders is ok, but chest need to open, close in front, too much tuck up underline, nice topline, nice croup, correct set and long enough tail, has excellent move, tail carriage is excellent. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 23 | Irtokarvan Prinssi Uljas | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 24 | Jumper Vom Bernsteinmeer | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 25 | Leobond 'S You Only Live Twice | VG | 1 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 3 years old matured, outline is little bit long in the body, coat is blind coloured reasonable marked, head is very nice, earset and bite is correct, eyes good formed, amberand mid color, good bone, shoulders are ok, little bit weak in front pasterns, chest is well, prefer better angulations in rear, quite strong in the loin, good bone, okay on the move, soft pasterns make him little bit low in front |
| | | | 26 | Maxigor Mio Mancini | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 3,5 old male, little bit square on profile, strong head with strong mask, good profile, ears and bite is correct, neck is ok, eyes are mid brown, standing front feeth french and narrow, good topline, croup little short, stride is little bit stright, tail is up on the move |
| | | | 27 | Maxigor More Prosecco | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 5,5 male combact in build, rich marked coat, excellent mask, very nice brown eyes, mussle is little short, little bit low on legs, short in the arm, standing little left/right, hock is popping little forward, not so strong, topline dips, moving little close front and back, stride on the side is quite nice. |
| | | | 28 | Tumbleweed Du Plateau Bavarois | VG | 2 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Almost 4, big male fully matured, lines in head is correct, earset little back, little loose lips, bottom teeth is little out of line, eyes are good brown colored, but little round, very good bone, standing little bit left/right, propotions are good, little bit long hocks, coat richely marked, red with black tips reasonable long, carries his tail up, pasterns are soft, moving good |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 29 | Arigo Luca Löwe Von Walhall | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 2,5 years. mid size male, good mid lenght coat richely marked, nice strong mask, broad head, little too matured on cheeks, bite is correct, eyes are well shape and mid color, ears are correct, little square in build, mid bone, could be bit stronger chest and angulations on front, back legs are little straight, croup is correct, long and correct shape, little too narrow in back |
| | | | 30 | Cardamine's Kuldne Võluja Koit | EXC | 2 | | CK | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Fully matured mid sized male with nice tip dark red coat, nice shape balanced outline, lines on the head is correct, ears are little set back, correct bite, correct underjaw, eyes are correct shape and nice amber color, correct front, could be little broader, stand okay on front satisfactory with pasterns, good topline, croup is correct, tail is borderline, sufficent angulations in back, little close on back but nice stride. Lazy movement in best male class. |
| | | | 31 | Irtokarvan Xclusive | EXC | 3 | BH4 | CK | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 2 years old still maturing male, mid sized, with compact shape of front, little bit diluted mask, prefer slightly stronger skull, correct jaw and bite, eye shape is good and mid color, good shoulders and bones, very strong compact loin, very nice croup, tail is just long enough, very nice rear angulations and very laid down compact hocks, developing nice chest, nice rich coloured coat, confident nature, excellent stride, good drive and reach. Moved better in best male class. |
| | | | 32 | Irtokarvan Xpected | EXC | 4 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | young male, mid size, still maturing, excellent profile, correct head, correct bite and underjaw, mask is little bit broken but sufficent, eye shape is good, eyes color is good, probably his head will contunue maturing, good lenght of neck, nice shoulders, excellent topline, little narrow in the chest, but maturing, well angulated in back, little bit tuck up, very nice shape, very nice croup, moving is okay, little loose in front, excellent young dog |
| | | | 33 | Maxigor More Nebbiolo | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Fully matured mid size male, dark tip colored coat, quite broad skull, little bit too much cheeks, eyes are little bit loose, mid colored, bite is okay, but teeth are showing his age, bottom jaw is little weak, little bit soft in pastern and attending stands left / right, prefer more angulations to back, little close in back on moving, needs more strenght |
| | | | 34 | Maxigor Mostly Barbaresco | EXC | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 4 years old male, mid size, good outline, nice propotions, mid lenght coat reasonable markings, nice stronfg masculine head, with good propotions, nice eyes shape, ears ar correct, bite is correct, nice ans strongly build, good shoulders, croup sloipng correctly, nice rear angulations, nice short hocks, little short on front legs, very good movement coming and going, nice stride and drive |
| | | | 35 | Vanitza Jetro | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Good size young male, little square, hight to lenght, with medium lenght dark tip red coloured coat, strong but slightly oval in skull, ears little back on, nice long neck, excellent bone, very nice front angl and withers, compact back, maybe little too much tuck up, prefer more angulations, more ang to the rear, moving with nice spacing and parallel in back, little tender movement in front today |
| | | | 36 | Ögonglimtens Blessed | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | fully matured male, medium size, very nice shape and propotions, rich red dark tip coat with good lenght, very good head lines, good ear placement, top skull, srong underjaw, little bit loosing pigmentation, good mask, eyes are correct shape and color, good bite, nice bone, good lenght of neck and very nice topline, good well made shoulders and excellent fron angulation, very good croup, very good action on the movement, very good stride. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 8 | Irtokarvan Titus | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, VET BIR | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 vuotias, erinomaiset mittasuhteet omaava komea veteraani, oikeat pään mittasuhteet, kauniisti asettuneet korvat, tummat silmät, erinomainen maski, oikea purenta, kaunis kaula, erinomainen selkälinja, hyvä rintakehän syvyys, ja hyvä eturinta, kulmautunut hyvin edestä, hieman niukemmin takaa, erinomainen raajaluusto, liikkuu hieman kapeasti takaa ja aavistuksen löysästi edestä, askelpituus jo hieman lyhentynyt iän myötä, oikeanlainen häntä, erinomaiset käpälät, kauniin värinen ja oikeanlaatuinen karva, miellyttävä käytös |
| | | | 9 | Maxigor Macintosh | EXC | 3 | | | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | Hammastodistus esitetty. 8 vuotias, oikeat mittasuhteet omaava isokokoinen uros, oikeat pään mittasuhteet, oikein asettuneet korvat, kauniit tummat silmät, erinomainen maski, hammaspuutos, josta todistus. Hyvä kaula, vahva selkä, mutta ylälinja nousee kohta lantiota, hyvä rintakehä ja eturinta, kohtalaisesti kulmautunut edestä, niukasti takaa. Vahva raajaluusto. Liikkuu kapesti takaa, kääntää edetä käpäliä ulospäin liikkeessä, riittävä askelpituus, hyvä häntä, karvanlaadussa näkyy jo ikä, kaunis väritys, miellyttävä luonne. |
| | | | 10 | Maxigor Maputo | EXC | 2 | | | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 vuotias, oikeat mittasuhteet omaava uros. Leveä kallo, oikein asettuneet korvat, tumman ruskeat silmät, hajamaski. Oikea purenta, hyvä kaula, vahva selkä. Kulmautunut niukasti, mutta tasapainoisesti edestä ja takaa. Hyvä rintakehä, erinomainen luuston vahvuus. Liikkuu joustavin joskin hieman lyhyin askelin, kääntää hieman kaikkiaan käpäliään ulos liikkeessä sekä seistessä. Riittävän pituinen häntä, hännässä niukasti karvoja. muutoin hyvä karvanlaatu ja kaunis väritys. miellyttävä käytös. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 37 | Maxigor Mumbai Calling | VG | 1 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 10 months old mid size, growing well, nice porpotions, nice red coat of mid lenght, pretty feminine head, still developing, nice excpression and nice set ears, good dark mask, eyes nicely shape and good color, correct bite, nice strong underjaw, little fine boned, but good on shoulders, very good croup, good lenght of tail high placed, nice angulations in back, crossing over in the back, going away, crapping sideways |
| | | | 38 | Ohped Dal Lady Tempranilla | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 14 months, maturing but little low in front, broad but still feminine head, matured cheeks, good mask, ears set is good, eyes are good shape, mid colored, bite is correct, little short in upperarm, little small sized, little low. Rolling on the move, flyigh tail a bit, overbuilt. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 39 | Aida's Stone's Carsei Lannister | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 40 | Aida's Stone's Daenerys Targaryen | VG | 2 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Mid sized young lady, good propotions, with a nice red rich coat coming on. Femine head with sufficent mask, nice balanced strong underjaw, good correct well placed ears, correct bite, good lenght of neck, left/right in the front, good shape in front and a back, for age good topline, correct croup, good lenght of tail but glink in the end, developing nicely for her age, moving ok, but tail is going up and whooping. |
| | | | 41 | Aida's Stone's Melisandre | VG | 3 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 19 months old, out of coat, lovely feminine head developed well, nice profile with strong underjaw, well placed ears, correct bite, sufficent mask, propotions good, medium bone, correct front, prefer more angles on back, topline is ok, nice croup, tail lenght, glink, moving ok, tail is glink, need to matured |
| | | | 42 | Lovemoons Aniara | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | early 2 years mid sized feminine, little out of coat, very nice shapely head, with correct propotions, good shape of her eyes, mid colored, good profile with strong underjaw, good bite, very nice shape, nice angles front and sufficent in the back, good topline, good croup, nice and fit, very nice harmonine on move holding topline and tail correct. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 43 | Aida's Stone's No More Hollywood Endings | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | little bit small sized, matured girl, out of coat, but coat is medium lenght and richely marked, little bit uneven bite, nicely shaped eyes and good color, nice profile, femine, good strong underjaw with good pigmentation, reasonable neck lenght, little bit fine boned, good angulations on the back, little bit step in. croup higher slightly, nice clean moving coming, little close but ok at the back. |
| | | | 44 | Dundrets Miracle Of Love | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 45 | Forest Skipper's Irene | EXC | 1 | | CK, CERT | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Matured female with nice propotions, red coat, kind expression feminine, ears dropping a little bit lower and side, lovely eyes and good color, nice clean neck, good front and rear angulations, strong topline with a good croup, mid boned, excellent rear action, little bit loose on front, standing left/right in the front. |
| | | | 46 | Galileon Nelli Karamelli | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Matured girl in a good size, with good red coat which could be little bit longer, strong head, but little loose in eyes, color is good, mask is diluted, good underjaw, correct bite, little too heavy on lips, good bone, little short in upperarm, and over built on topline, prefer little more angles in the hock, maybe little too much heavy but moves smoothly. |
| | | | 47 | Maxigor Maybe A Kind Of Magic | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 2,5, years mid sized, good shape of head but little bit throwty, mask is diluted. Eyes are good shape but little bit light in color. Bite is ok, lenght of neck is ok, jaw is ok, little bit short in the upperarm and slightly rising topline, prefer more angles on the back, little left/right front and back. |
| | | | 48 | Maxigor Mia Donnarumma | EXC | 2 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 2,5 mid sized, out of coat. Good over all shape. Nice head, very good type, nice mask, eyes are correct and good color. She has nice propotions on head, caring ears little back, non confident, has mid bone and good topline. Good structure on shoulder, well shaped croup, sufficent angulations on back. Has nice harmony movement. |
| | | | 49 | Maxigor Mostly Chablis | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Very friendly, good size, holding her coat, nice shaped, correct type head, goods propotions, mask is diluted, feminine, eyes are correct shape, color is little light, good neck, shoulders are strong, very good bone, caring too much weight, upperarm is short, rising topline, moving wide in front and crabbing |
| | | | 50 | Maxigor Mostly Chianti | VG | 4 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | matured mid sized femine, strong black mask, correct bite, good shape mid brown eyes, good head, ears little bit placed back, good angles in front and back. Well let down hocks, too much weight, lacking confidence. Good harmon mover. |
| | | | 51 | Maxigor Mostly Vinho Verde | VG | 3 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Good sized matured girl , nice light yellow coat, nice propotions, little bit rising topline, strong head, ears are little bit back, eyes are little bit round, good color, nice profile, good bite, strong with excellent bone, good type, maybe little bit weak on pasterns. Moving close on the back. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 52 | Amber Vitkennel Grace Nevaeh | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Mid size, compact built, correct propotions, with a nice rich red coat, little bit narrow in skull, good bite, and underjaw, well plased ears, nice eye shape and color, reasonable lenght of neck, nice topline and underline, good rear angles, very strong correct front and good bone, very good conditions, nice harmonies movement, very correct rear and front. |
| | | | 53 | Baron Castle Queen Isabel | VG | 4 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Mid sized matured girl with nice propotions, good correct head very nice profile, good lenght of neck, eyes are good shape, with good color. quite dark coat, but correct red undercoat. Standing left/right in the front. Sufficent angles. Little bit over rising topline. little bit loose on the front when moves. |
| | | | 54 | Ellion Achelois | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Mid size girl. Heavy line coat it’s coming of. Light eye. Little bit oval in the skull and ears a back a bit. Little bit narrow in the front standing l/r. Sufficent rear angulations. Prefer more lenght of neck. Croup is ok. Moving little bit narrow. |
| | | | 55 | Mary's Bear's Galateya | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Mid size female but carrying too much weight, Diluted mask, rather loose lips, ears are set little back. good bone. little bit short on the neck. low in front. Soft in the pasterns in the front. |
| | | | 56 | Maxigor Maybe Killer Queen | VG | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | good size, light color, nice coat. Good propotions, good head, eyes little bit round, good color, ears are correct, bite is correct, sufficent lenght of neck, good topline, good bone, little bit narrow in front, carrying too much weight, good chest. Moving close on the bakc and flying tail a little bit. |
| | | | 57 | Maxigor More Tinta Pinheira | G | | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Mid size, light coated colour matured girl, mask is little diluted, correct bite, ears are maybe a little back, little short in the neck and front legs, lacking on the rear angulations, over built croup, short in the front. Moving well, but running downhill because of topline. |
| | | | 58 | Namupalan Juurakon Hulda | EXC | 2 | BT2 | CK | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Good size, nice propotions, good type head, with correct ears, good bite, eyelit is little bit close, good topline, nice reddish coat, good lenght, good bone, very nice front, good hocks, little bit short croup but ok. Harmonies mover. |
| | | | 59 | Wonderful Giants Double Trouble | EXC | 3 | | | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | Quite compact, matured mid size girl, little bit oval head. Good ears set, nicely brown eyes, little bit square. good bone, good croup, moves soundly. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 11 | Fablernas Is Tapp | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 12 | Irtokarvan Theodora | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK, VET BIM | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 vuotias, kaunislinjainen, oikeat mittasuhteet omaava narttu. Oikeat pään mittasuhteet, oikein asettuneet korvat, tummat silmät, erinomainen maski, oikea purenta, yksi etuhammas puuttuu, mutta siitä todistus. Kaunis kaula. Hieno selkälinja. Hyvä rintakehä ja eturinta. Vahva luusto. Riittävästi kulmautunut edestä ja takaa. Liikkuu kapeasti edestä, ikäisekseen hieno takapotku. Kauniin värinen ja hienon laatuinen karva. Hyvä häntä. Kaunis kokonaisuus, miellyttävä käytös. |
| | | | 13 | Irtokarvan Timona | EXC | 2 | | | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 vuotias, oikeat mittasuhteet omaava narttu. Oikeat pään mittasuhteet, keskiruskeat silmät, hajamaski. Oikea purenta. Oikean pituinen niska ja hyvä ylälinja. Hyvä rintakehä ja eturinta. Keskivahvuinen luusto. Riittävästi ja tasapainoisesti kulmautunut edestä ja takaa. Liikkuu hieman kapeasti takaa ja edestä, sivusta ikäisekseen erinomaisesti. Hyvä häntä. Erinomaiset käpälät. Oikea karvanlaatu ja väri. |
| | | | 14 | Lionstar's Diamond Angel | EXC | 4 | | | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 12,5 vuotias kaunis narttu, jolla hieman pidempi runko. Hieman taakse asettuneet korvat, hieman loiva otsapenger, erinomainen maski. Oikea purenta ja hampaat vielä tallella. Hieman lyhyt kaula, vahva selkä ja oikea selkälinja. Hyvä rintakehän syvyys ja eturinta. Vahva luusto. Riittävästi kulmautunut edestä ja takaa. Hieman painuneet ranteet. Liikkuu varsin hitaasti helteen ja iän vuoksi. Hyvä häntä, joka saisi olla aavistuksen pidempi. Ikäisekseen erinomaisessa kunnossa ja miellyttävä käytös. |
| | | | 15 | Maxigor Matimba | EXC | 3 | | | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 vuotias oikeat mittasuhteet omaava hieman tukevassa kunnossa oleva narttu. Erinomaiset pään mittasuhteet, oikein asettuneet korvat. Hyvät tummat silmät, erinomainen maski, oikea purenta. Kaula saisi olla hieman pidempi, hyvä selkälinja, vahva selkä. Hyvä rintakehä ja eturinta. Vahva luusto. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut edestä ja takaa. Hyvät käpälät. Taka-askel hieman lyhyt, kääntää etukäpäliään ulospäin liikkeessä. Oikeanlainen häntä. Oikeanlainen karvanlaatu ja väri. Miellyttävä käytös. |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 101 | Irtokarvan | | 1 | | HP | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 8, 12, 13, 32
Quite nice uniform group with very similar characterics specially in the move. Very good bone and lims, front is very good, very type uniform heads. They got team look on them, very balanced on the move. |
| | | | 102 | Maxigor | | 2 | | - | Springel Sharon | |
| | | | 15, 33, 34, 50
Very good substance in the group. Good coat, little bit variations on head types, nice strong masks and strong breed type. Good front and bone on them. |
| | Avelsklass |
| | | | 1000 | Maxigor Matimba | | 1 | | HP | Roste-Torniainen Sanna | |
| | | | Emä ja pennut kahdesta eri yhdistelmästä. Kauniit mustat maskit kaikilla, sekä vahva rakenne ja hyvät etuosat. Kauniin väriset ja oikeanlaatuiset karvat. Vahvat selät, riittävät kulmaukset, ok hännät. Onnittelut kasvattajalle hienosta jälkeläisryhmästä. |