Nurmijärvi FCI 1, 2, 4, 8 26.05.2024
Tuomari Nodalli Bruno
| ROP | Frost Lake's Intensity Of Fire And Ice (Mikkola Pasi) | |
| VSP | Flaming Ferrera's Saturday Night Fever (Ahlqvist Julia) | |
| SERT uros | Flaming Ferrera's Saturday Night Fever (Ahlqvist Julia) | |
| SERT narttu | Aurum Flumen Painted With Ocean Blue (Viita Paula) | |
| ROP veteraani | Tres Colores My Precious (Viita Paula) | |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 124 | Atticus | ERI | 2 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | Good sizes. Correct scissor bite, complete teeth. Good substanive and musscles. Good head proportions with body. Sufficient pigment. Correct neck. Good topline. Sligtly long tail. Excellent in movement. Good color. |
| | | | 125 | Aurum Flumen Snowsquall | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 126 | Glenhouse's And The Oscar Goes To | ERI | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 1year. Correct scissorbite , complegood sizse, head prop. With body. Correct skull muzzle. Enough eyers. Excellent neck. Correct topline. Nice color. Good coat texture. Good movement. |
| | | | 127 | Julsamorous Energetic Bubbles | EH | 4 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 12 months. Corrects scissorbite. Sligtly fine muzzle. Sufficent pigment. Enough balanced head with body. Good topline and tail. Would like more muscle. Suf. In movement. Slihly short in lenght |
| | | | 128 | Julsamorous Exclusive Bubble | ERI | 3 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 12 months. Nice head. Correct propotions scullmuzzle. Would like more muscle. Would like compact body. To happy and round tail. Good color. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 129 | Flaming Ferrera's Saturday Night Fever | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, SERT, MVA | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | Lovely type. Nice head. Corrects scissorbite and complete teet. Correct teeth set. Nice body. Natural tail but vet certifact. Ecxellent bones and substantive chest. Very nioce color. In movement correct in front in narrow in rear legs. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 130 | Hällebäcks Dream Can Be Tamed | EH | 2 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | Feminine expression. Sligly small heaad prop. To body. Good sizes. Good angulation in rear, correct scissor bite. Sufficient pigment. Natural tail but curl. |
| | | | 131 | Julsamorous Dazzling For You | ERI | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | Feminine expression 1 year. The head is balanced with body. Sufficient comact body. Correct scissor bite-comple teet. Sufficient, good topline. Good body |
| | | | 132 | Mindy | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 133 | Xehvelin Whitney Wolverine | H | | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 1 year, Little wry mouth, sligy small head protions with body. Dark eyes. To fine muzzle. Correct ears. Correct topline. Sufficient color. Sufficient coat color. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 134 | Sagastorm's For Masha Amini | H | | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 134. 19 months. Feminine expre small head proption with body, to small and fine. Good cheast. Good topline and tail . Slightly hock in rear legs. Good color. Sufficient coat texture. Good movement. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 135 | Aurum Flumen Painted With Ocean Blue | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, SERT, MVA | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 135. 2 years. Feminine. Lovely expressio. dark eyes for this color. Correct proption scar muzzle. Sufficient correct ears. Good neck correct topline. Compact body. Good color and coat texture. |
| | | | 136 | Frost Lake's Intensity Of Fire And Ice | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, RYP-3 | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 2 years. Lovely bitche with excellent sustance and bone. Correct head and propotion with body. Good scissor bite complete teeth. Compact body, correct angulation rears legs, exc topline. Good color and coat texture. Typical movement |
| | | | 137 | Golden Oldie's Mother's Daughter | ERI | 3 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 2years. Feminine. Sligtly long muzzle. Correct scissor bite complite teeth, lovely expression. Correct pigment. Sufficient neck. Good topline. Excellent chest. Good color. Sligtly fat. Good in movement |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 138 | Sentikki Cy National Geographic | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 3years old lovely bitch. Good conformation with body. Correct scissorbite. Correct neck and topline and croup. Sufficient front chest. Good angulation. Nice color and coat texture. Typical movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 139 | Tres Colores My Precious | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, VET ROP | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 8years excellent condition. Sligly fine muzzle. Feminine expression. Correct ears neck and topline. Natural tail. Good angulation. Compact body. Typical movement |
| | |