Nurmijärvi FCI 1, 2, 4, 8 26.05.2024
saksanpaimenkoira, pitkäkarvainen
Tuomari Nodalli Bruno
| ROP | Wild Dream's Up And Down (Lindén Annika) | |
| ROP veteraani | Wild Dream's Up And Down (Lindén Annika) | |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 160 | Resinwolffin Brave Story | EH | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 160. 17 months. Correct scissor bite. Enough dark eyes. Enoug correct mask. To open eyers and to wide. Too long lips. Sufficient neck. Good topline and crtoup. Slifgtly narow in right movement. Good color and coat texture. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 161 | Bestbuddy Tyson | poissa | | | | | |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 162 | Lician Hamlet | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 163 | Schuft's Texmex | H | | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 163. 6years. Enough correct scissor. Bite short muzzle and little roman nose. Correct earset but little to wide. Enough correct topline. Movement to straigt. Nice color. Good coat texture. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 164 | Resinwolffin Always By My Side | EH | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 17 months. Correct scissor bite. Nice temperanment. Correct ears set sligthly wide. Corect mask. Correct propotions and skull muzzle. Correct topline. To flat feet in front. Good color. Good coat texture. Would like more correct in rear legs. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 165 | Destiny Team Phoenix | EH | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 4 years. Good type. Good comfirm body. Correct body. Would like sufficient stop with sligtly short muzzle. Correct earset but little wide. Correct scissorbite. Too narrow in front and to flat feet. Sufficient correct in movement. Good topline. Good movement and good color. |
| | | | 166 | Lician Ängel | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 167 | Wild Dream's Up And Down | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, VET ROP | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 10 years. Correct scissor bite. Nice expression in excellent condition. Correct earset. Good mask. Sufficient neck. Good topline. Good movement. |
| | |