| | Dogs |
| | | MPUP |
| | | | 86 | Doji Smogetsu Akai Akuma | | 3 | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 5 kuukautta, iloinen vesseli. Hyvät mittasuhteet. Vielä hieman kapeapiirteinen pää. Hieman suuret, mutta hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Tummat silmät, jotka voisivat olla hieman vinoasentoisemmat. Musta pigmentti. Erinomaisesti kehittynyt runko ikäiseksen. Hyvä luusto. Tasapainoisesti kulmuautunut. Hampaat vaihtumassa. Oikea karvanlaatu. Punainen väri. Hännässä muutama musta karva. Hyvä urajiro. Aavistuksen alaskiinnittynyt häntä, joka kiertyy lonkalle. Liikkuu terhakkaasti vielä pentumaisin askelin. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Taka-askel on vielä hieman kapea. Erinomainen, iloinen temperamentti. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 87 | Haw-Haw Fuzaketa No Fushigi | | 1 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 5 kuukautta, eriomaiset mittasuhteet omaava uros. Todella lupaavat pään linjat. Kaunis kuono-osa. Kauniit, tummat silmät, jotka antavat oikean itämaisen ilmeen. Erinomaisesti kallistuneet korvat. Hyvä kaula. Hyvä luusto. Erinomaisesti kulmautunut edestä ja takaa. Erinomainen hännänkiinnitys. Tiukka häntäkieppi, Oikea karvanlaatu. Kaunis, punainen väri. Hyvä urajiro. Liikkuu hyvällä askeleella. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Erittäin ystävällinen ja iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 88 | Hokuoukensha No Hokuto Go | | 2 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 6 kuukautta. Vankka urospentu. Hyvät mittasuhteet. Erittäin lupaava pää ikäisekseen. Tummat silmät, jotka voisivat olla hieman viistommat. Hyvä kaula. Ikäisekseen erittäin hyvin kehittynyt runko. Hyvä luusto. Niukemmin kulmautunut edestä, erinomaisesti takaa. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys. Tiukka häntäkieppi. Liikkuu pentumaisin askelin. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeeessä. Taka-askel on vielä hieman kapea. Hyvä karvanlaatu, väri ja urajiro. Miellyttävä, avoin luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 89 | Ziestan Kanzaki Kamikawa | | 4 | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 6,5 kuukautta. Viehättävä pentu. Lupaavat pään linjat. Tummat silmät, jotka voisivat olla hieman viistommat. Musta pigmentti. Voimakkaasti kallistuneet korvat. Tässä kehityksen vaiheessa lanneosa on aavistuksen pitkä. Eturinta saa vahvistua. Niukemmin kulmautunut edestä kuin takaa. Hyvä karvanlaatu, punainen väri ja urajiro. Hännnässä muutamia mustia karvoja. Hyvä luuston vahvuus. Liikkuu reippaasti pentumaisin askelin. Kantaa itseään hyvin liikkeessä. Iloinen, riehakas kehäkäyttäytyminen häiritsee ehkä liikkeessä, mutta pennulla on selvästi todella hauskaa. Oikea purenta. |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 90 | Headstyle Señor Cara De Papa | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 91 | Ingefal's Chupa Chups | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 92 | Nakanaka Natural Blackberry | | 2 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | Pian 9 kuukauden ikäinen. Erinomaiset mittasuhteet rungossa. Lupaava pää. Alaleuka voisi olla hieman voimakkaampi. Hieman pyöreät silmät, jotka voisivat olla viistommat antaen paremman itämaisen ilmeen. Hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Hyvä kaula. Hyvin kehittynyt runko. Vielä litteä eturinta. Olkavarsi voisi olla viistompi ja välikämmen on hieman löysä. Hyvin kulmautunut takaa. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys. Tiivis häntäkieppi. Häntä voisi olla hieman pidempi. Oikea karvanlaatu. Hyvä urajiro. Liikkuu pentumaisin askelin. Taka-askel jää hieman rungon alle ja on kapea. Avoin luoksepäästävä luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 93 | Nakanaka Natural Cloudberry | | 1 | | HP, BOS | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | Pian 9 kuukautta, erinomaisesti kehittynyt pentu. Kaunisilmeinen pää. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Musta pigmentti. Hyvät korvat, jotka kauniisti kallistuneet. Hyvä kaula. Erinomainen rungon vahvuus. Hyvin kulmautunut kauttaaltaan. Hvyä hännänkiinnitys ja häntä. Oikea karvanlaatu. Punainen väri. Hyvä urajiro. Liikkuu hyvällä askelmitalla ryhdikkäästi, etuaskel ajoittain vielä hieman korkea. Erittäin hyvä temperamentti. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 94 | Yukiguni No Tomodachi No Roo Go | | 3 | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | Pian 9 kuukautta. Vielä kovin kesken kehityksen. Lupaava pää. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Musta pigmentti. Aavistuksen leveälle asettuneet, hyvin viistoutuvat korvat. Hyvä kaula. Erinomaisesti kulmautunut etuosa. Rintakheä hyvän mittainen, mutta saa vielä syventyä. Hyvin kulmautunut takaa. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys. Tiukka häntäkieppi. Rungon vahvuus vielä kehitysvaiheessa. Karva vaihtumassa. Väri saa hieman kirkastua. Hyvä urajiro. Sopiva luusto. Liikkuu vielä hyvin pentumaisin askelin. Voisi kantaa itseään hieman paremmin liikkeessä. Ystävällinen ja avoin luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | Bitches |
| | | MPUP |
| | | | 95 | Asagao Sanban | | 1 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 6 kuukautta, ikäisekseen hyvin kehittynyt pentu. Lupaava pää. Kauniisti kallistuneet korvat. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Musta pigmentti. Hyvä kaula. Hyvä rungon vahvuus. Hyvä rintakehä. Hyvä luusto. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys ja löysäkierteinen kieppi. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Kaunis väri. Hyvä urajiro. Liikkuu vielä hieman löysästi, mutta kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Oikea askelpitus. Oikea, terhakka, iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 96 | Doji Smogetsu Akai Kyandi | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 97 | Haw-Haw Fuzaketa No Fubuki | | | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 5 kuukautta. Tässä kehityksen vaiheessa kevyt ja hieman kapeapiirteinen. Lupaava pää. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Tyylikäs kaula. Etuosaltaan niukemmin kulmautunut kuin takaa ja tällä hetkellä rintakehä on hieman lyhyt ja matala. Erinomainen hännänkiinnitys. Tiukka häntäkieppi Oikea karvanlaatu. Hyvä urajiro. Takaliike jää hieman pyörimään rungon alle ja voisi kantaa itsensä hieman ryhdikkäämmin liikkeessä. Iloinen, terhakka, reipas luonne. Koiralla on selvästi hauskaa kehässä. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 98 | Ingefal's Love The Bad Girl | | 2 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 6 kuukautta. Erinomaisesti kehittynyt pentu. Hyvin kaunisilmeinen pää. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Musta pigmentti. Hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Erinomaisesti kehittynyt runko ikäisekseen. Hyvin ja tasapainoisesti kulmautunut kauttaaltaan. Nuoresta iästä huolimatta erinomainen turkinlaatu, väri ja hyvä urajiro. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys ja häntä. Hännässä muutama musta karva. Liikkuu erinomaisella askeleella takaa ja edestä. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Askeleet ovat jo nyt varsin yhdensuuntaiset. Erinomainen iloinen, avoin, luoksepäästävä luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 99 | Ingefal's Shes On Fire At Team Bullheads | | 3 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 6 kuukautta. Erinomaisesti kehittynyt pentu. Hyvät mittasuhteet. Kaunisilmeinen pää. Kauniit, tummat silmät. Hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Musta pigmentti. Hyvä kaula. Erinomainen rungon vahvuus. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Erinomainen hännänkiinnitys. Häntä voisi olla aavistuksen pidempi. Ikäisekseen erinomainen karvanlaatu. Hyvä väri. Hyvä urairo. Ihastuttava luonne. Liikkuu hyvällä askelmitalla. Kantaa itsensä ajoittain hyvin liikkeessä. Askeleet ovat jo hyvin yhdensuuntaiset tässä vaiheessa. Remmi hieman häiritsee liikkumista. Todella ystävällinen ja avoin luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 100 | Ingefal's Soul In The Wind | | 4 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 6 kuukautta, erittäin hyvin kehittynyt pentu. Kaunisilmeinen pää. Kauniit, tumma silmät. Musta pigmentti. Hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Erinomaisesti kulmautunut etu- ja takaosa. Hyvä rungon vahvuus ja oikeat mittasuhteet. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys ja häntä. Oikea karvanlaatu. Hvyä urajiro. Valkeat nilkkasukat etujaloissa. Liikkuu hyvällä asklepituudella. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Taka-askel ajoittain hieman huolimaton. Ihana, avoin, iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 101 | Headstyle Señorita De La Luna | | 3 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 7 kuukautta, erinomaisesti kehittynyt pentu. Lupaava pää. Kauniit, tummat silmät, jotka voisivat olla hieman viistommat. Musta pigmentti. Alaleuka voisi olla hieman voimakkaampi. Erinomaisesti täyttynyt eturinta ikäisekseen. Hyvin kulmautunut edestä, takaa hieman niukemmin. Rungossa hyvät mittasuhteet, oikea vahvuus ja hyvän mittainen rintakehä. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Hyvä väri ja urajiro. Hyvä hännänkiinnitys ja häntä. Liikkuu vapain askelin, aavistuksen kapeasti takaa ja löysästi edestä. Hyvin ystävällinen ja iloinen luonne. Rauhallinen kehäkäytös. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 102 | Ingefal's Little Alice In Wonderland | | 2 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 7,5 kuukautta. Erittäin hyvin kehittynyt pentu. Hyvät mittasuhteet. Vahva runko. Kaunisilmeinen pää. Kauniit tummat silmät. Musta pigmentti. Hyvin kallistuneet korvat. Hyvä kaula. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Hyvän mittainen rintakehä. Erinomainen hännänkiinnitys. Häntä voisi olla hieman pidempi. Karva parhaillaan vaihtumassa, oikea karvanlaatu nähtävissä. Hyvä urajiro. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisin askelin hyvällä askelpituudella. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Taka-askel on vielä hieman kapea. Erinomainen iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 103 | Ingefal's Lolli Pop | | 1 | | HP, BOB | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 7 kuukautta. Erinomainen koko ja mittasuhteet. Hyvin kaunisilmeinen pää. Ihanat silmät, jotka antavat oikean itämaisen ilmeen. Erinomainen musta pigmentti. Hyvä korvat, jotka kallistuvat eteen. Tyylikäs kaula. Erinomainen runko ikäisekseen. Hyvin ja tasapainoisesti kulmautunut kauttaaltaan. Erinomainen hännänkiinnitys ja häntä. Karva tänään vaihtumassa, mutta oikea karvanlaatu nähtävissa. Hyvä urajiro. Erinomainen rintakehän pituus. Liikkuu erinomaisella askelpituudella erinomaisin askelin. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Asettuu kauniisti seistessä. Erinomainen iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 104 | Ingefal's Pearl Of The Sky | | | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 kuukautta. Hyvin kehittynyt pentu. Erittäin lupaava pää. Kauniit tummat silmät. Musta pigmentti. Kauniit pienet korvat. Etuosaltaan hieman niukemmin kulmautunut kuin takaa. Rintakehässä saisi olla hieman enemmän pituutta. Hyvin kehittynyt runko. Aavistuksen lyhyt kaula. Liikkuu hyvällä askelmitalla. Kantaa itsensä hyvin liikkeessä. Takaliike on vielä hieman kapea, edestä liike on hyvä. Hieman alaskiinnittynyt hyvin kiertynyt häntä, joka voisi olla hieman pidempi. Iloinen, luoksepäästävä luonne. Oikea karvanlaatu. Hyvä urajiro. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 105 | Ingefal's Star Of The Northern Sky | | | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 7 kuukautta. Hyvin kehittynyt pentu. Kauniit pään linjat. Silmät voisivat olla hieman viistommat, jolloinka itämainen ilme olisi parempi. Voimakkasti kallistuneet aavistuksen suuret korvat. Hyvä musta pigmentti. Hyvä kaula. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Hyvin kehittynyt rungon vahvuus, mutta rintakehä saisi olla pidempi samoin rintalasta. Hyvin kiinnittynyt voimakkaasti kiertynyt häntä, joka saisi olla pidempi. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Kaunis väri. Hyvä urajiro. Liikkuu hyvällä askelpituudella. Kantaa itsensä liikkeessä. Taka-askel on hieman kapea, edestä liikkuu hyvin. Reipas, iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 106 | Primal Light's In Midnight Clad | | 4 | | HP | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 8 kuukautta. Erinomainen koko ja mittasuhteet. Kaunisilmeinen, feminiininen pää. Keskiruskeat silmät, jotka saisivat olla viistommat. Kauniit korvat, oikein kallistuneet. Hyvä kaula. Erittäin tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Erinomainen rintakehä ja rungon vahvuus. Hyvä tiivis lanne. Hyvä hännnkiinnitys ja häntä. Oikea karvanlaatu. Hyvä väri ja urajiro. Häntä voisi olla hieman pidempi. Liikkuu terhakkaalla askeleella. Voisi kantaa etupäätään hieman paremmin liikeessä, ajoittain kantaa itsensä hyvin. Asettuu hyvin seistessä. Erinomainen iloinen luonne. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 107 | Shiawase Go Mukashibanashi | | | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 7 kuukautta. Hyvät mittasuhteet. Erittäin lupaava pää. Keskiruskeat silmät, jotka voisivat olla viistommat ja antaa itämaisemman ilmeen. Hyvä musta pigmentti. Kaunis kaula. Rintakehä voisi olla pidempi ja lanne hieman tiiviimpi. Rodunomaisesti ja tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Aavistuksen alhainen hännänkiinnitys. Liikkuu kauniin kevein askelin, aavistuksen kapeasti takaa, paremmin edestä. Asettuu kauniisti seistessään. Iloinen reipas luonne. Ajoittain seistessään pyrkii köyristämään ylälinjaa. Hyvä karva, väri ja urajiro. Oikea purenta. |
| | | | 108 | Shirokawa Cheerleader Miyame | | | | | Koponen Sanna | |
| | | | 7 kuukautta. Tuhdissa kunnossa oleva tyttönen. Hyvät pään linjat. Hieman suuret, keskiruskeat silmät, jotka voisivat olla viistoasentoisemmat. Musta pigmentti. Kauniit korvat. Hyvä kaula. Ylipaino aiheuttaa sen, että seistessään näyttää turhan leveältä edestä. Hyvänmittainen rintakehä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Takaliike jää hieman pyörimään rungon alle. Hännänkiinnitys on hieman alhainen. Häntä kiertyy kiepille ja voisi olla hieman pidempi. Liikkeet kauttaaltaan hieman löysiä. Kaikkeen vaikuttaa hienoinen ylipaino. Rauhallinen kehäkäytös. Hyvin ystävällinen luonne. Hyvä karvanlaatu ja urajiro. Valkeat nilkkasukat etujaloissa. Oikea purenta. |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1 | Allaikha's U Akihiro | Excellent | 2 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 10 months old. Red male. Out of coat. Good head, correct dentition. Obliquely set eyes. Well placed ears. Good cheeks. Head giving pleasing expression. Good forehand conformation. Tight feet. Good topline. He is a little long in body. Correct tail and good rear angulation. Coat of good texture even when out of coat. I would like more defined red on his face. Correct urajiro markings. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 2 | Arnica Montana Keisuke Kazuko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 17 months old. Red. Showing black tips. He has a good headshape and cheeks. Eyes a little round. Good balanced muzzle. Correct dentition. Well placed ears. Excellent top scull. Forward placed in shoulder which is affecting his reach in front. Good topline. He has low set tail. Good rear angulation. Good texture to coat. In movement, he is correct in rear but loose in front. Needs to develop in chest with age. |
| | | | 3 | Estilo Fuerte Hurricane Fly | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, JUN BOB, CAC, JUN CAC | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 11 months old red. Good proportions and type. Excellent masculine head. Dark obliquely set eyes. I would like a little bit more length to be critical. Correct in muzzle. Good shoulder and return of upper arm. Good topline and tailset. Correct angulation in rear. Good texture to coat. Good dentition and bite. He is correct on movement, holding good shape in profile with good extension. Accurate front and rear movement. Correct in static balance. |
| | | | 4 | Ingefal's Hands Off Bches | Very Good | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 9 months old black and tan male. Good proportions and balance. Good head. Obliquely set eye which I would like a little longer. Correct muzzle proportions to scull. Well placed ears. Good shoulder, would like a little more upper arm. Good topline and tailset. He is blowing coat but a good texture. Correct in hind quarters. Strong in loin. Good front and feet. Correct neck. Bite correct. One missing P2. He has correct markings and good urajiro. He moved well in profile with excellent rear movement. Needs to tighten in front with age. |
| | | | 5 | Nibiru Yorokobi Go Anshin | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 6 | Satoshi No Chicara Go Anshin | Very Good | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | One year 5 months old. Red with black tipping. Good proportions and type. Good head shape but needs to develop with age as he is currently a little feminine in expression. Medium eye. Correct urajiro. Eyes a little round and I would like him a little wider in foreface. Good shoulder, a little short in upper arm. Good topline. Tail set too tight. Good body. Good texture to coat. In movement he is accurate in rear and good in profile. He needs to tighten in the front with age. Excellent dentition. In good condition in muscle. |
| | | | 7 | Ziestan Hoshikata Tomoki | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 11 months old red male. Shiba of leggy proportions. He is blowing coat. Pleasing head, well placed ears. Eyes a little round. Correct muzzle proportions and cheeks. High withers, needs a little more upper arm. Good in body and muscle. Tail set is a little tight, but ok. Two missing P1s. Bite correct. In movement he needs training. Rear movement good but front and profile he is a little erratic. Good urajiro. Coat of what he has if of good texture. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 8 | Borderott Yuzu | Very Good | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 18 months old male of good proportions and balance. Excellent in movement. Accurate down and back and in profile. He has quite feminine head, well placed ears. Eyes a little small although obliquely set. Muzzle correct proportions to scull. Would like more fill to foreface and breadth to muzzle. Correct in shoulder and front. Red with black tips. Very tight tail. Sheading coat. Good bite, missing incisor. He needs a lot of training. Correct urajiro markings. Blowing coat. Correct color on head and face. Would like him a stronger red in body. |
| | | | 9 | Nanamia Amatsumara | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 21 months old shiba male. Good type and balance. Good head. Ears a little low set. Obliquely set eyes. Good shape to muzzle and foreface for age. Good cheeks and urajiro markings. He is a red with black tips. His tail is a little tight but acceptable. Coat texture good but would like the red clearer. Good chest. Moves a little wide in front. Excellent rear movement. In profile holds a good topline with good extension. Correct dentition and bite. |
| | | | 10 | Senpuu Of The Willow Tay | Very Good | 2 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 20 months old shiba of good proportions and balance. Quite pale in color, would do with being a deeper red. Well proportioned head, good urajiro. Well placed ears. Eye is obliquely set, dark in color. Good cheeks. Today he is out of coat. Good shoulder and sternum and forechest. Good topline and ribs. Coat texture is good, tail set good. Excellent dentition. Good color in topline with dark hairs. Movement is good in profile and rear, little loose in front. Needs more coat. |
| | | | 11 | Ziestan Okimi Atsuo | Not Judged | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 18 months old male of correct proportions and type. Correct red. Good urajiro markings. Would like him a little darker on the muzzle. Good in shoulder and upper arm. Good in neck and front. Good topline and ribcage. Good rear angulation. Tail is a little tight but acceptable. He needs to tighten up on pasterns. Correct coat texture with good color. Handler could not show the dogs mouth, handler is not the owner. Dog cannot be judged. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 12 | Ayataka Go Shibukawa Katokensha | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 13 | Dufas Waldo Wagner | Disq. | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 6 years old male with good proportions and balance. Red with overmarked urajiro on head. Pleasing head with good expression. Small obliquely set eyes. Ear set is good when he decides to use them. Good muzzle and foreface. He is paling out in color on face with age. Good red, with good texture to topline. Good shoulder and upper arm. Good rear angulation. Tail is a little tight. Bite is incorrect with a missing P1 top and P1 bottom. His underjaw is narrow and that's why he has an overcrowded mouth. Movement is good with good rear and profile, holding good shape. Disqualified for bad mouth. |
| | | | 14 | Kurosenshi Go Hidden Cascade | Excellent | 3 | BM4 | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four year old black and tan male. Correct proportions and type. Excellent head with good urajiro. Small but obliquely set eyes giving good expression, well set ears and correctly proportioned muzzle to scull. Correct in markings. Strong neck. Good sternum development. Would like little bit more upper arm. Correct oval ribcage and loin. Correct topline and tail. Good rear angulation. Excellent coat texture and color. Good markings to body. In movement excellent in profile and rear, little wide in front. Excellent type, color and balance. |
| | | | 15 | Sakuraryuu Go Sanuki Mizumotosou | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four years old substantial red male. Large head to fit his body type. Dark olbiquely set eyes which could do with a little more length. Well placed ears, correct urajiro markings. Little blocky through the muzzle. He could do with some more forechest, when he moves he toes in slightly. Excellent neck and topline, good coat and texture. Tail is a little short. Good rear angulation. Good ribcage and loin. Correct bite and dentition. Lower incisors little jumbled. Movement in profile is good, tailset good. Moves little wide in front and rear. |
| | | | 16 | Shippeitarou Go Sakura Kensha | Excellent | 2 | BM3 | CQ, RES CAC | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three year old red male. Excellent proportions and type. Beautiful head and expression. Excellent pigmentation and obliquely set eyes. Good checks, good balance to muzzle. Correctly placed ears. Would like more red on the face for perfection. Correct urajiro markings. Correct front, correct shoulder and upper arm. Excellent texture to bright orange coat. His tail is a little tight but acceptable. Good rear angulation. Correct full dentition. Movement is good when settled, very balanced in action, well in rear, could be slightly tighter in front. |
| | | | 17 | Terra Astreya Rai Terumitsu | Excellent | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four years old red male of excellent proportions and color. Vibrant red with correct urajiro markings. Good head with well placed ears. Good muzzle to scull proportions. Eyes are quite small but obliquely set. Good shoulder, would like a little more upper arm for movement as he tends to be a little wide in front. Excellent neck and topline. Excellent tail. Good ribcage and loin. Well muscled. Balanced rear angulation. I would like better eye pigmentation for perfection. Super character. Correct dentition. |
| | | | 18 | Ziestan Kichi | Excellent | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four year old black and tan male of good proportions and type with excellently carried tail. He has a good head with well placed ears. Obliquely set small eye, dark in color. His muzzle proportions are good, would like more fill to foreface. Good cheeks. Good shoulder and upper arm. Good prosternum, good H bow tie. Good black and tan markings. Good texture to coat, with correct undercoat. Balanced hindquarters. In good body and ribbing. On the move, he is a little slow and laborious. Correct rear movement. Moves well in profile at his speed. Nice balanced outline on the move. |
| | | | 19 | Zoukai Go Shun'you Kensha | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four years old vibrant red male. Good proportions and excellent type. Excellent head with good cheeks. Obliquely set eyes, well placed ears. Good pigmentation. Well proportioned muzzle to scull. Good shoulder, would like a little more upper arm for perfection. Strong neck, good ribs and loin and topline. Well muscled hind quarters. Excellent tail. Coat of excellent color and texture. Correct urajiro markings. Excellent dentition. Excellent movement in profile, strong rear moving away. Can move a little wide in front. Super type and color. |
| | | | 20 | Ølenskjold's Attention Seeker | Excellent | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two and a half years old, good strong red. Good proportions, balance and type. Correct urajiro markings. Pleasing head, good proportion muzzle to head. Obliquely set eyes. Well placed ears. Little narrow in front and forward placed in shoulder. Excellent coat, texture and color. Good hindquarters, well carried tail. Complete dentition, good bite. His movement is good in rear and in profile, he could have a little more reach in front but moves balances in action. Excellent type. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 21 | Daishi Go Proud | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years old good proportioned male, out of coat. Good head, obliquely set eyes, good pigmentation. Well placed ears, good proportion in muzzle. Good shoulder, good sternum development, good return in upper arm. Although out of coat, good texture. Good hindquarters, balancing forehand. Correct tail. Good ribs and loin. Strong in neck. Good bite and dentition. In movement, he has a balanced action with good reach in front and extension in rear. Keeps a good outline and has good energy. |
| | | | 22 | Kirmix Isao | Excellent | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Seven and a half veteran dog of good balance and type. Frosty face for the age. Good head, well placed ears, dark obliquely set eyes with good pigmentation. Well proportioned muzzle, strong neck. Good shoulder and front. Good topline, excellent tail. Good texture to his red coat. Muscular well balanced hindquarters. He moved well in profile for his age. Good rear movement. He is a little loose in front. Excellent dentition and beautiful teeth for age. |
| | | | 23 | Long Yueh Hao Of Pao Chung | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three years old male of good type and balance and proportions. Another sadly out of coat today. Good head with excl expression, dark obliquely set eyes with good pigmentation. Well proportioned muzzle and good cheeks. Good shoulder, little short in upper arm makes him move a little wide front. Good texture to coat although it is shedding. Excellent tail. Well muscled dog. Good ribcage and loin. He moved well in profile, a little erratic in rear at times. Excellent dentition and good bite. Good bone and feet. Super character. |
| | | | 24 | Nakanaka Yakuza | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 25 | Red Mary's Zed | Excellent | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two and a half years old red male of good type and proportions. Again another out of coat. Good head, well placed ears. Dark obliquely set eye with good pigmentation. Well proportioned muzzle, correct urajiro. Lovely expression. Good shoulder and front. Would like a little bit more upper arm as he toes in slightly. Strong neck, good ribcage and loin. Good hindquarters, well muscled. Excellent topline and tail set. Excellent coat texture. Excellent dentition and bite. Moved well in profile with good hindquarters, a little loose in front. |
| | | | 26 | Tai Shi Go Shun'you Kensha | Excellent | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Six years old red male with slight black tipping, of excellent type. Excellent head, well placed ears, super expression, dark obliquely set eyes. Correct pigmentation. Well proportioned muzzle and good cheeks. Good shoulder, would like a little bit more upper arm, good sternum. I would take a little weight off him. Good topline and tail set, correct tail. Would like a little more rear angulation for perfection as he toes in a little in rear and can move wide in front. In profile moves balanced in action, holding a good shape. Good and complete dentition. At six years old, looking good. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 27 | Memphill's Emperor Taisho | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOS | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 10 years old red with excellent type and balance. Good urajiro markings for age. Still showing good signs fo color on face. Good head well placed ears. Dark obliquely set eye, good cheeks in proportion to muzzle. Good neck, excellent forehand construction with good front. Strong neck, level topline. Good ribcage and loin. Good texture to his coat. Good tail. Excellent well muscled hind quarters. He moves extremely well both in front and in profile with great energetic action. Excellent dentition for age. |
| | | | 28 | Nakanaka Yasuhiko | Excellent | 2 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 9,5 years old red male with black tips. Good head, well placed ears. Good cheeks. Correctly set eyes with good pigmentation. Good depth and breath to muzzle. Good urajiro markings. Strong neck. Shoulder a little forward placed, would like more upper arm. Good sternum development. In good body. Good topline and tailset. Would like little more angulation to rear. Good texture to coat. Leg length ok. Excellent dentition and good bite. In profile, he has an excellent quick brisk action. Moves a little wide in front as he is getting a little heavy. Excellent type and balance and super character. |
| | | | 29 | Nakazo Av Enerhaugen | Excellent | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Twelve and half years old red male of excellent type with an old frosty face. Well placed ears. Dark obliquely set eye. Well proportioned muzzle and good cheeks for his age. Good shoulder and sternum. A little short in upper arm, good neck and topline. Good tail and balanced hindquarters. Coat of excellent texture and color. Excellent dentition for age. Credit to his owner at 12,5 years old and in super condition. |
| | | | 30 | Seon Duudson | Not Judged | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Twelve and a half years old black and tan male of excellent type and balance. Excellent on the move holding a great shape with good energy. Very attractive head, well placed ears. Dark eye with good pigmentation, well balanced muzzle, good urajiro markings on face and body. Good coat texture, well carried tail. He is old and did not want to play today. Could not check teeth. Cannot be judged. |
| | | | 31 | Ølenskjold's Quikstep | Absent | | | | | |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 32 | Black Buccaneer's Toshiko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 18 months old female with good proportions and balance. Sadly out of coat. Feminine head and expression. Well placed ears. Good proportioned head. Would like more cheeks and fill to foreface. Eye a little round. Good shoulder and front. Good topline on the move. Balanced angulation in rear. She carries a good tail on the move. Coat of good texture even most of it is gone. Moved very well down and back and in profile with a balanced gait. Correct bite and dentition. She needs to develop in head. |
| | | | 33 | Blackroyal's Queen Of Saiko | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 34 | Doji Smogetsu Inari Kawaii | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 11 months old bitch with good proportions and balance in body. She has a feminine head which still is developing. Well placed ears. Medium almond eye, good pigmentation. Eye is small and would like more oblique setting. Muzzle is good, needs to fill foreface with age. Shoulder good, good sternum, would like more upper arm. Good rear angulation. Tail is very tight. Coat texture good even if there is no coat. Movement in profile good, she could do with a little bit more extension in front and need to tidy in rear with age. Tight feet. Good body and condition. Would like a better expression. |
| | | | 35 | Hana Reiko Xandrina | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 14 months old female with good type. Losing her coat. Very feminine head, well placed ears. Dark eye, obliquely set, would prefer more length to eye for perfection. Good width to muzzle. Good cheeks. Good shoulder and upper arm and sternum. Good topline held on the move. Good ribcage and loin. Well muscled balanced hindquarters. Correct front and tight feet. Good texture to coat even though it is disappearing. Full dentition and good bite. Very stylish female on the move, giving good extension, holding her shape. She needs to firm a little in rear which will come with age. |
| | | | 36 | Hanahime Go Ryukyu Uruma | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, JUN BOS, JUN CAC, JCH | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 14 months old red bitch with correct proportions and type. Very feminine head, well placed ears. Good cheeks. Obliquely set eye with good pigmentation. Correct muzzle balance. Correct urajiro markings. Good shoulder. Good front. Would like little more upper arm, little tidy in front which needs to tighten. Good topline, ribs and loin. Well carried tail. Well muscled hind quarters. Good texture to coat. Moves well in profile and in rear. Good bite and dentition. Very pretty feminine bitch. |
| | | | 37 | Kukanoksan Hana Akai | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 14 months old bitch of good proportions. Feminine head, well placed ears, eye a little round. Good proportioned muzzle and good cheeks. A little forward placed shoulder, good tail set, balanced hindquarters. Good coat texture but a little pale. Excellent dentition. In the movement she is a little untidy front and rear, needs more extension in front. Coat little soft and would need stronger color. Would like better expression. |
| | | | 38 | Kukanoksan Hana Murasaki | Very Good | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 14 months old shiba, red with slightly soft coat. Good proportions and balance on the move. Feminine head, ears a little forward placed. Eye a little round. She needs to fill to foreface with age. Good shoulder and front and topline and ribs. Well balanced hindquarters. Tail is acceptable. Would like better texture to coat, urajiro markings are correct. Good dentition and bite. Her movement is good and balanced in action. Good pigmentation. Would like a better expression. |
| | | | 39 | Midori No Shinjetsu Go Anshin | Excellent | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 12 months old female, slightly long in body and out of coat. Feminine head well placed ears, obliquely set eyes. Good stop and filled in muzzle for age. Coat texture is good, although most of it is gone. Good shoulder, good front, good upper arm and sternum, long in loin, well carried tail, good rear. Moves extremely well, balanced in profile, correctly down and back with good energy and balance. Great expression, all we need is hair. |
| | | | 40 | Seela Hanako Go Shun'you Kensha | Absent | | | | | |
| | | INT |
| | | | 41 | Haikuron Takara | Disq. | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 20 months old bitch of good proportions and type. Feminine head, obliquely set eyes and good pigmentation, would like them a little longer. Good head proportions. Would like a little bit more cheek. She is red with black tips. Coat is soft in body. Good shoulder, good sternum, would like more upper arm. Good topline, tail is acceptable. Good hindquarters with good muscle. Good ribbing and loin. Her movement needs a bit more energy, little loose in front. She needs to be more little more dynamic in movement. She has a malocclusion in teeth and a very narrow underjaw. Moved well in profile. Bite is incorrect, disqualified. |
| | | | 42 | Haikuron Tomoko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 20 months old pale red bitch with black tips, sadly out of coat. Feminine head, needing more cheeks. Forward placed in shoulder, little heavy in body and ribcage. She needs more rear angulation and is little bit erratic in rear going away. She is laborious in profile, but holds a good shape. Complete dentition. Is in need of more training, needs more coat and weight off. |
| | | | 43 | Haikuron Totoro | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 20 months old red bitch, sadly out of coat, of good proportions. Feminine head, obliquely set eye. Still carrying a puppy mask, good urajiro markings on body. Head is feminine, well placed ears, would like more filled muzzle with age. Shoulders forward place, needs more forechest, tight tail, coat texture on back is good. Could do with more rear angulation, on the move a little erratic going away. Needs to tighten with age and grow her coat. On the move rising at rear. Complete dentition. She needs more training on the move and on the table. |
| | | | 44 | Headstyle La Petit Chaperon Rouge | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ, RES CAC | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 22 months old female with beautiful deep red coat and good urajiro markings on body. Feminine head, she has a obliquely set eye, well placed ears, excellent top scull, good proportions to muzzle, would like more red into the eyes. Good shoulder, would like more upper arm and more breadth to chest. Should develop with age. Good ribcage and short in loin. Good topline on the move, good tail and angulation in rear. Good texture and color to coat. Good bite and complete dentition. Moves well in profile, little bit loose in front and rear, makes a good balanced picture. |
| | | | 45 | Legado De Lagos Go Lekkou Amaterasu | Very Good | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 18 months old bitch with excellent type and balance. Super on the move, very accurate on down and back and in profile. Feminine head, obliquely set eye. Good strength to foreface and muzzle with good cheeks, ears set a little low. Excellent forehand construction, good bone and tight feet. Good texture to hair, muscled rear. Tail a little short. Good bite. Missing incisor which is clinical and has a certificate. She also has a missing bottom left P1. |
| | | | 46 | Nanamia Akaruhime | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 21 months old feminine red girl with good prop and balance. Correct urajiro markings, very pretty head. Obliquely set eyes, would like them a little longer, well placed ears, needs to fill a little in foreface with age. Good cheeks, good shoulder, correct h front. Strong neck and good topline. Correct texture to coat. Good tail and balanced hindquarters, good ribs and loin. Correct bite end dentition. Moves well in profile, holding a good shape with good extension. Good in front, needs to tighten in rear. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 47 | Natural Yamazaki | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 2 year old female, a little longer casted. Feminine head, well placed ears. Quite small in eye and very pale in expression. Could do with more fill in foreface and underjaw. Forward placed in shoulder, good length of upper arm, good topline on the move, well carried tail. Balanced hind quarters, badly out of coat, good texture. Missing P1 top left. Needs to tighten in feet. Movement good in profile, needs to tighten from the back. Needs more coat. Urajiro should be better. |
| | | | 48 | Yukiguni No Amami Go | Very Good | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 20 months old female of good balance and type, red in color. Very feminine head, good expression, obliquely set eyes. Well placed ears. Good muzzle and filled foreface. Good shoulder and upper arm and front. Good topline and tail set, good ribs and loin. Balanced hindquarters. Full dentition and good bite. Good urajiro markings on the body. She is lacking red on her nose, paling out under her eyes, eye spots are getting white, she is getting a clown mask over her eyes. Movement is excellent and type is beautiful. Very accurate down and back. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 49 | Arnica Montana Kireina Kitsune | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three years old red bitch who is a little overweight. Feminine head, eyes are little small, would prefer a better oblique expression, dark brown in color with good pigmentation. Good proportions to muzzle, good cheeks, well placed ears. She has a very good shoulder, but is very barrel ribbed. Good tail set, good rear angulation, well muscled, good red color, good hair to topcoat. Quite a lot of fore chest, straight front, when she moves she looks heavy. Needs to lose weight. Quite accurate coming and going. Good dentition. Urajiro markings are good. |
| | | | 50 | Betsu No Hoshi Szibériai Cédrus | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years two months old black and tan female. Out of coat. Good head, well placed ears. Little round in eye, good proportioned muzzle, good b&t markings and urajiro, correct markings on legs and feet. Good shoulder. Lacking coat and coat is soft, good undercoat. Well carried tails, excellent hindquarters, good ribs. Correct in proportions, needs more coat to fill in the frame. Missing P1 left bottom and right top. In movement balanced action. I would like her stronger through the croup, needs to firm her pasterns. Good profile and outline when she moved. Accurate in rear and front. |
| | | | 51 | Fudzisan Shimizu Takenoko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four years old red bitch of good type. Well carried tail and good urajiro markings. Feminine head, ear set could be a little higher for perfection. Would like her eye to be less round with more oblique expression. Good muzzle proportions. Good shoulder and sternum. Good topline and tail set. Good ribs and loin. Excellent hind quarters. Moves well in profile and rear, little wide in front. Missing p1 bottom and top on the right side. Excellent pigmentation. Beautiful type. |
| | | | 52 | Headstyle The Cat In The Hat | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two and half year old bitch of strong type. Red with black overlay/tips. Very strong head with good cheeks. Ears a little low. Medium oblique set eyes, would like them slightly longer. Good pigmentation, good muzzle and foreface. Slightly forward placed in shoulder, good sternum, a little short in upper arm, she could do some weight off, quite heavy in the ribs. Tail ok. Moderate rear angulation balancing the forehand. Good texture to coat would like it clearer, would like her pasterns a little better. Missing P2 bottom left. In movement loose in front, good in rear, in profile balanced action. |
| | | | 53 | Isomus Safir Jasmin | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years old female of good type and balance. Feminine head, obliquely set eye, well placed ears, would like more length to eyes. Good muzzle proportions, good cheeks. Good neck, good shoulder. Out of coat on her legs and body. Good topline, tail is ok, balanced hindquarters. The coat is blowing, the texture to top is ok. I would like more guard hair on the rest of the body. Good front, moves well in profile, good energetic action. Missing P2 on bottom left. Beautiful type and has a lot of style. |
| | | | 54 | Jidai No Fuyu No Hime Go | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 55 | Ketunpolun Kazuko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years and two months old red bitch of good proportions and well carried tail. Strong head, ear set is a little bit too forward. Eyes quite small, good pigmentation, I would like little bit more length to eye. She needs more cheeks. Quite short coat. Good front construction, strong neck, level topline, good tail set. Could do with a couple of pounds off her ribs. Balanced hindquarters. Missing P2 top right. Movement is very good, excellent in profile, good reach in front, lovely shape on the move. |
| | | | 56 | Ketunpolun Yoko | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, CAC | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years and two months old red female of larger type. Very feminine head, obliquely set medium eyes, good pigmentation, well carried ears, good muzzle and foreface, excellent cheeks, excellent expression, very feminine, good front construction, good topline. Good front and tight feet, balanced hindquarters, good topline and ribs and loin. Tail is acceptable. Good dentition and bite. Good coat and condition, moves extremely well, beautiful in profile, holding her shape. |
| | | | 57 | Miyeunhime Go Rustic Jimilica | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 2 years 10 months old black and tan female, good type, very feminine head, correct urajiro markings, well placed ears, small eye, obliquely set, good fill to foreface, good texture with correct undercoat. Would like more upper arm, good shoulder, good sternum, good topline, good tailset. Good ribbing, Well carried tail. Moderately angulated rear matching forehand, good muscular condition. Good bite, missing P1 top left. Moved well, needs more extension, balanced action, good down and back, little wide in front. |
| | | | 58 | Nada No Ouhi Go Ryuugadou | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 59 | Nakanaka Madonna | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three and a half years old good proportioned red bitch with black tipping. Good head shape with well carried ears, well proportioned muzzle, eyes a little round, dark in color with good pigmentation. Good front construction. Little heavy in the ribs, well carried tail, good front and feet. Correct urajiro markings. Good bite and dentition. Moves very well with good footfall, good shape in profile. Would like a better expression. |
| | | | 60 | Natural Haniko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three years old red bitch of good type and balance. Feminine head. Well placed ears. Eyes a little round with good pigmentation. Good cheeks, would like more fill to the muzzle. Would like a little bit more depth to prosternum and better pasterns. Forward placed in shoulder, good topline and tail set, good angulation in hindquarters, good ribs and loin. Good dentition. She moves very well, accurate in rear. Excellent in profile, holding a good shape with good head carriage. I would like a better expression as she is a little bold in eye. |
| | | | 61 | Natural Jadeko | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three years old female, red with black tips. Feminine head, well placed ears. Dark eyes with good pigmentation, would like them longer and less bold. Would like more breadth to muzzle. Good topline on the move. She is badly out of coat. Good dentition. Would like stronger red. Moved very well, good outline on the move, very efficient, good reach. |
| | | | 62 | Natural Kulta-Ko | Excellent | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years old red female of good proportions, slightly long. Feminine head, obliquely set eye, good pigmentation. Well placed ears, good cheek, would like the foreface a little stronger. Good front, good topline, good ribs and loin, well carried tail, well balance hindquarters, moved well with good topline and shape, extending in front and good rear movement. Good bite and dentition. She is not in full coat, texture is good. |
| | | | 63 | Natural Takanaka-Ko | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Three years old female of good type and balance, red in color with good urajiro markings, feminine head, well placed ears. Dark obliquely set eyes, would like the length bit longer. Good proportioned muzzle, would like a little more fill to foreface. Good shoulder and front, tail is ok, well balanced hindquarters. Not in full coat. Bite and dentition good. Movement is excellent. Good extension in profile, holding a good shape. |
| | | | 64 | Reborn Reika | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years 10 months old, small to medium size female of good type. Excellent head and expression, well placed ears, medium eye, good pigmentation. good cheeks. Proportioned muzzle. good shoulder, would like more upper arm, good neck and topline, balanced hindquarters, short tail. Excellent coat texture, not in full coat. Missing P2 top left. She moves very well, little bit wide on occasion, good topline, would like a little bit more to rear when moving away and a better tail. Correct urajiro markings. |
| | | | 65 | Roycendahl Tasha No Tsubasa | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 66 | Runner Star Izi'fenechka | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 67 | Shirokawa Reaction Miyake | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Four years old red female with good urajiro markings. Feminine head well placed ears, obliquely set eyes with good pigmentation, I would like more strength to muzzle and foreface. Good shoulder conformation, good topline standing but on the move tends to rise slightly, moderately angulated hindquarters. Tail acceptable. Complete dentition. Would like harsher coat, should also be in more coat. Moves very well in profile, rises to the rear. |
| | | | 68 | Tamao Go Sakura Kensha | Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two and a half years old red female with black tips. Feminine head. Oblique eyes. Well placed ears, would like more fill to foreface, would like eyes to be less bold. Good front assembly, good h front. Good neck and topline, good ribs and loin, balanced hindquarters. Tail is a tight corkscrew, set on top of the back. Good dentition and bite, would like coat and texture to be stronger, clearer color. She moves very well, holding a good shape, with good accurate down and back and well in profile. |
| | | | 69 | Yukiguni No Kitsune Zenko Go | Excellent | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years and 10 months black and tan bitch with correct markings and urajiro. Feminine head, well placed ears when she uses them. Good head proportions to muzzle, small obliquely set eyes. Would like them longer, good shoulder, short in upper arm. Would like to have more chest. Quite soft coat, balanced hindquarters, short tail, good in ribs and loin. Complete dentition. Good in profile on the move, would like little bit more extension. Makes a good shape in profile, holding a good topline. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 70 | Blackroyal's Misora | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 6 year old red female. Out of coat. Good proportions. Feminine head, round eye spoils expression. Good pigmentation, well carried ears, well proportioned muzzle. Would prefer a little bit more fill to chest. She is not in full coat, little forward placed shoulder. Coat texture is good. Tail is a little short. Moderate hindquarters, balancing forehand. Good and complete dentition. On the move, she needs more reach in front, moves a little wide and would need a little bit more precision in rear. Moves with good topline. Badly out of coat. Correct urajiro markings. |
| | | | 71 | Dar Chingiza Angel In Black Coat | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two and a half year old black and tan female of excellent type and balance. Excellent head, dark eye, olbiquely set, would like eyes longer. Well placed ears, good cheeks, good filled foreface, good markings and urajiro, good front and feet, good shoulder, would like more upper arm and fill to chest. Good coat with texture, good undercoat, well carried tail, balanced hindquarters, well muscled, good ribs and loin. Full dentition and good bite. Moved well front and in profile, brisk action, toes in a little in rear. |
| | | | 72 | Mazzametass Noriko | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 73 | Memphill's Masami | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Almost eight years old veteran bitch, good proportions, balance and type. Has a lovely head and good cheeks, obliquely set eyes with good pigmentation, good proportions to muzzle. She is whited out with age which is acceptable, good urajiro markings on body, good conformation in front with correct prosternum development, good topline, excellent tail, good balanced hindquarters with good muscle, good ribcage and loin, moves accurately down and back, moves well in profile holding her shape. Not in full coat. Full dentition. |
| | | | 74 | Nala Koutetsu Go Shun'you Kensha | Excellent | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years and one month old red bitch with black tippings. Very compact shape. Stronger feminine head, well placed, ears, obliquely set eyes, would like them a little less bold, good balanced muzzle and cheeks. Would like more length to leg, a little heavy to body, decent shoulder, would like more upper arm, good prosternum development. Good topline and tail set, would like more muscle on rear, toes in slightly in rear, moved well in profile. Lovely type, good coat texture, color could be clearer. |
| | | | 75 | Saga Go Hoshi No Tama | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two years old black and tan bitch up on leg and out of coat on the body. Feminine head, well placed ears, quite large but fit the body type. Would like more oblique expression, expression quite plane, would like also more foreface. High on the wither, would like more upper arm and forechest, affects movement. Good texture to coat, completely lacking undercoat. Beautiful tail, well carried. Would like more muscle on the rear, can be erratic on the movement. Full dentition. Would like better in front, a little east-west. |
| | | | 76 | Terra Di Amore Lalli | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 77 | Towami Go Sakura Kensha | Excellent | 4 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Two year one month old red bitch, good proportions, red color with black tips, good urajiro, feminine head. I would like more cheeks, well placed ears, dark obliquely set eyes, would like them longer. Good pigmentation, good proportions of muzzle to scull. Good front, good topline, good tail set and good hindquarters. Moves very well in profile, quite accurate down and back, not in full coat. |
| | | | 78 | Yukiguni No Shimo No Yoru Go | Excellent | 3 | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Six years old pale red female of good proportions and type. Feminine head, well placed ears, dark eye, I would like eyes more obliquely set. Good cheeks, good conformation of muzzle. Good shoulder, would like more upper arm. Good texture to topcoat. Well carried tail, would like more muscle to rear. Good leg length. Starting to blow coat. Lovely type. Full dentition. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 79 | Blackroyal's Jun | Very Good | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 9 years old pale red bitch again out of coat. Good proportions, feminine head, well placed ear. Looking a little bold in eye with age. Good muzzle proportions. Good cheeks, eyes obliquely set when she looks down. Good shoulder and topline, good front, balanced hindquarters, good tail set. Badly out of coat, good urajiro for age. Missing p2. Movement could be better, quite erratic. |
| | | | 80 | Headstyle Yume No Chigusa | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 12 years old female of good balance and type, excellent condition for age, red with slight black tipping, good coat texture, strong but feminine head, obliquely set eyes, well placed ears. Good muzzle proportions and cheeks. Good bone, good shoulders, good front, topline and tail set, balanced hindquarters, excellent weight and ribbing. Good bite and dentition. Lovely on the move, effortless actions, just floats, at 12 years old a credit to owner. Correct urajiro. |
| | | | 81 | Hokuoukensha No Chou Go | Excellent | 2 | | CQ, VET CAC | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 11 year old female with excellent type and balance. Red with slight black overlay. Strong but feminine head. Well placed ears, obliquely set eyes, good pigmentation, good front good chest, good topline and tail set, good ribbing and loin, super muscle on hindquarters, good texture to coat. Excellent dentition. She moves beautifully, with effortless strides, excellent in profile, looks like she is still the queen. Correct urajiro markings. |
| | | | 82 | Kellyhoff's Talk Of The Town | Excellent | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 10 years old red female who is carrying a little bit too much weight. Good front and shoulder, good topline, well balanced rear. Feminine head, well placed ears, obliquely set eye, good pigmentation, frosty face with age. Excellent dentition for age. She moved a little wide in front and behind because she is a little heavy. Lovely character. |
| | | | 83 | Mirai No Tatsuhime | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 8 years 4 months old red bitch with good balance and proportions. Very pretty feminine head. Obliquely set eyes, good pigmentation, well placed ears. Good proportions to muzzle, whiting out in face with age, getting a little bolder in expression. Very good conformation in front and rear, excellent front, good topline and tail set. Well balanced hindquarters, moved effortlessly with good extension in profile, really enjoying herself. |
| | | | 84 | Runokuono Beniyuri | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 8 years and 6 months old female, good proportions and type. Very pretty feminine head, obliquely set eyes. Frosting out with age, good urajiro, well placed ears, good foreface and muzzle. Excellent front and good feet, good shape and topline, well carried tail, good muscle in hindquarters, good spring of rib and good loin. Good dentition and bite. Moved extremely well with good balance, with good front and rear movement. Credit to the owner, in excellent condition. |
| | | | 85 | We-Sedso Zen Misaki | Excellent | | | | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | 11 years old black and tan bitch, correct markings and urajiro, correct coat. Very feminine head, well placed ears, obliquely set eyes. Good muzzle and markings, good front and shoulder, good topline and tail set. Good angulation to rear, good ribbing. Full dentition, good for her age. Moved very well, holding a beautiful shape, enjoying herself. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 1000 | Natural | | 1 | | - | Dunhill Liz | |
| | | | Dogs 47, 61, 62, 63. Four different combinations. Variation in type style and heads. They are not all exactly the same in type and movement and body proportions. They all moved well. Two with good expression, two with not so good expressions. They variate in coat too. |